发布于 2016-06-02 00:59:37 | 94 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


PureScript 静态类型语言

PureScript 是个小巧而强大的静态类型语言,可以编译成 JavaScript。purescript 主要是由 Haskell 和 PureScript 编写的。

PureScript v0.9.1 发布了。更新如下:

Breaking Changes

Name resolving


The way names are resolved has now been updated in a way that may result in some breakages. The short version is: now only names that have been imported into a module can be referenced, and you can only reference things exactly as you imported them.

Some examples:

Partial Constraints


The compiler will now generate an error for a missing Partial constraints, where it would previously have issued a warning.

Module Restrictions


  • Imports must now appear before other declarations in a module.

  • A source file must now contain exactly one module.

These restrictions will allow us to improve incremental build times in future, since we will only need to parse a small prefix of each file in order to figure out what needs to be rebuilt. Right now, we need to parse every file fully.

Foreign Function Interface Changes


Foreign modules are now found by filename rather than by searching for a custom JavaScript comment. The foreign module is found by changing the extension of the corresponding PureScript module from .purs to .js.

This change was made to be more consistent with psc-ide, and also to adopt a simple convention which will port well to other backends.

Operator Aliases


All operators must be defined as aliases from now on. That is, it is no longer valid to define an operator as a name in local scope (e.g. let (#) x y = x y in ...). This change makes it possible to generate better JavaScript code for operators, by desugaring them to the functions they alias.




历史版本 :
PureScript 0.11.6 发布,静态类型语言
PureScript 0.11.4 发布,静态类型语言
PureScript 0.11.3 发布,静态类型语言
PureScript 0.11.2 发布,静态类型语言
PureScript 0.11.1 发布,静态类型语言
PureScript 0.11.0 发布,静态类型语言
PureScript 0.11.0-rc.1 发布,静态类型语言
PureScript 0.10.7 发布,静态类型语言
PureScript 0.10.6 发布,静态类型语言
PureScript 0.10.5 发布,静态类型语言
PureScript 0.10.4 发布,静态类型语言
PureScript 0.10.3 发布,静态类型语言
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