发布于 2016-05-26 23:32:42 | 276 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Spring Statemachine 应用程序开发框架
Spring Statemachine (Spring 状态机)是使用 Spring 框架下的状态机概念创建的一种应用程序开发框架。它使得状态机结构层次化,简化了配置状态机的过程。
Spring Statemachine 1.1.0 发布了,
Comprehensive support for Spring Security.
Context integration with `@WithStateMachine’ has been greatly enhanced.
StateContext is now a first class citizen with how user can interact with a State Machine.
Features around persistence has been enhanced with a build-in support for redis.
New feature helping with persist operations.
Configuration model classes are now a public API.
New features in timer based events.
New Junction pseudostate.
New Exit Point and Entry Point pseudostates.
Configuration model verifier.
New samples.
UI modeling support using Eclipse Papyrus.
UML 图: