发布于 2016-05-26 08:20:53 | 319 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


Hibernate Search 全文检索工具

Hibernate Search是在apache Lucene的基础上建立的主要用于Hibernate的持久化模型的全文检索工具。像Lucene这样的检索引擎能够给我们的项目在进行检索的时候带来 非常高的效率,但是它们在基本对象的检索时会有一些问题,比如不能实现检索内容跟实体的转换,Hibernate Search正是在这样的情况下发展起来的,基于对象的检索引擎,能够很方便的将检索出来的内容转换为具体的实体对象。此外Hibernate Search能够根据需要进行同步或异步的索引更新。

Hibernate Search 5.6.0.Beta1 发布了,改进记录如下:  

** Bug
    * [HSEARCH-2011] - HSEARCH000268 : Field does not exist or not configured for faceting
    * [HSEARCH-2046] - Three fields are added to the index for an indexed element collection with two elements
    * [HSEARCH-2120] - EdgeCaseFacetTest is unreliable on Elasticsearch
    * [HSEARCH-2193] - LuceneBackendQueueTask does not release the Directory lock on update failures
    * [HSEARCH-2200] - Typo in log message
    * [HSEARCH-2210] - Missing types in NumericFieldUtils#requiresNumericRangeQuery
    * [HSEARCH-2222] - The new AnalyzerReference infrastructure is not used in the DSL
    * [HSEARCH-2226] - FullTextQuery does not override some returned Query types to allow method chaining
    * [HSEARCH-2227] - elasticsearch.ProjectionConstants exposes Lucene constructs
    * [HSEARCH-2233] - Elasticsearch - Dates and numerics should never be analyzed
    * [HSEARCH-2237] - ScopedAnalyzerReference shouldn't close the underlying analyzer references
    * [HSEARCH-2240] - Parallel service lookup might fail to find the service
    * [HSEARCH-2251] - In the DSL, don't analyze string encoded dates
    * [HSEARCH-2252] - Document that it's not recommended to sort on the id field
    * [HSEARCH-2274] - Property "elasticsearch.host" isn't accessed correctly
    * [HSEARCH-2275] - Elasticsearch massindexer does not guarantee a proper shutdown
    * [HSEARCH-2280] - The JGroups backend module should not depend on the Elasticsearch module

** New Feature
    * [HSEARCH-2064] - Implement filters in Elasticsearch backend
    * [HSEARCH-2110] - Upgrade ES documentation before Beta1 release
    * [HSEARCH-2199] - Allows the use of CharFilter in the programmatic API of SearchMapping
    * [HSEARCH-2234] - Add dependency to "xml.bind" to ES JBoss Modules module.xml

** Task
    * [HSEARCH-2061] - Review package naming in the new ElasticSearch integration module
    * [HSEARCH-2063] - Review the pending TODOs in the new Elasticsearch backend
    * [HSEARCH-2067] - Rework ElasticSearchBridgeProvider integration to not affect non-ES indexing
    * [HSEARCH-2071] - Support embedded ids with ES backend
    * [HSEARCH-2106] - Discuss unique ProjectionConstants API
    * [HSEARCH-2138] - Elasticsearch async: do not request reader refresh operations after each write
    * [HSEARCH-2156] - Document requiring the bulk deletion Elasticsearch plugin
    * [HSEARCH-2164] - Make Elasticsearch configuration properties index-scoped where feasible
    * [HSEARCH-2187] - Documentation: Explain how to use the analyzers configured in ES
    * [HSEARCH-2198] - Avoid using maven-injection-plugin to retrieve project Version
    * [HSEARCH-2205] - Upgrade to Elasticsearch 2.3.1: Java9 compatibility and Lucene aligned to 5.5
    * [HSEARCH-2211] - Upgrade Arquillian infrastructure
    * [HSEARCH-2217] - Move Travis build to Trusty infrastructure and use Maven wrapper
    * [HSEARCH-2229] - Improve error message in ElasticsearchIndexManager#analyzerName
    * [HSEARCH-2238] - Upgrade to Byteman 3.0.5
    * [HSEARCH-2242] - Convert FacetManager implementation to no longer use Filters
    * [HSEARCH-2245] - Handle Calendar and resolution in the Elasticsearch specific BridgeProvider
    * [HSEARCH-2246] - Using DSL with Elasticsearch and dates is broken
    * [HSEARCH-2264] - Add additional comments on building metadata with/without IndexManager type

** Sub-task
    * [HSEARCH-2209] - Switch to ClassicSimilarity as default Similarity implementation

** Improvement
    * [HSEARCH-1724] - Simplify access to ClassLoaderService
    * [HSEARCH-1951] - Improve resulting error message when applying the wrong Sort Type
    * [HSEARCH-1970] - Untangle relationship of (DirectoryBased)IndexManager and BackendQueueProvider
    * [HSEARCH-2093] - Clarify meaning of constant names on IndexSchemaManagementStrategy
    * [HSEARCH-2100] - CPU hotspot in query.dsl.impl.Helper.getDocumentBuilder(QueryBuildingContext)
    * [HSEARCH-2125] - Elasticsearch - support for MultiPhraseQuery
    * [HSEARCH-2167] - Rename IndexManagementStrategy
    * [HSEARCH-2178] - Send bulked index changes to ES when using the mass indexer
    * [HSEARCH-2197] - Loading of search results produces useless garbage.
    * [HSEARCH-2201] - Fix assorted typos in comments
    * [HSEARCH-2202] - Fix SearchIntegrator camel casing throughout the codebase
    * [HSEARCH-2203] - Reduce memory consumption of EntityInfoImpl objects.
    * [HSEARCH-2212] - Improve Elasticsearch integration documentation
    * [HSEARCH-2213] - Cryptic error when cluster is not green during index creation
    * [HSEARCH-2214] - Provide an option to wait for Elasticsearch status yellow rather than green
    * [HSEARCH-2243] - Allow provided services to implement Startable or Stoppable
    * [HSEARCH-2244] - Unify the way TermQuery for numerics are handled
    * [HSEARCH-2247] - Represent the kind of underlying technology with an explicit type
    * [HSEARCH-2250] - Improve readability and efficiency of MultiWriteDrainableLinkedList
    * [HSEARCH-2270] - Upgrade to Apache Lucene 5.5.1.Final

** Deprecation
    * [HSEARCH-2241] - Clarify deprecation of setFilter() method on FullTextQuery



历史版本 :
Hibernate Search 5.9.0.CR1 发布,数据检索框架
Hibernate Search 5.9.0.beta1 发布,数据检索框架
Hibernate Search 5.8.0.cr1 发布,数据检索框架
Hibernate Search 5.7.0.Final 发布,数据检索框架
Hibernate Search 5.5.6.Final 发布
Hibernate Search 5.6.0.Beta4 和 5.7.0.Beta1 发布
Hibernate Search 5.5.4 发布
Hibernate Search 5.6.0.Beta1 发布
Hibernate Search 5.5.3.Final 发布
Hibernate Search 5.6.0.Alpha3 发布,Hibernate搜索框架
Hibernate Search 5.6.0.Alpha2 发布
Hibernate Search 5.5.2 发布
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