发布于 2016-05-26 00:53:20 | 349 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


CentOS Linux操作系统

CentOS(Community Enterprise Operating System,中文意思是:社区企业操作系统)是Linux发行版之一,它是来自于Red Hat Enterprise Linux依照开放源代码规定释出的源代码所编译而成。

CentOS 6.8 发布了,


  • libreswan replaces openswan as VPN endpoint solution (support added in NetworkManager)

  • sssd has a number of new capabilities and now supports smart cards, support for SSLv2 has been disabled

  • XFS support increased to a maximum file system size of 300TB

  • various applications now support TLSv1.2, i.e. OpenLDAP, yum, stunnel, vsftpd, git, postfix and others. Also TLSv1.2 has been enabled by default in various packages

  • various applications now support elliptic-curve parameters, i.e. Perl Net:SSLeay or Perl IO::Socket::SSL

  • dmidecode now supports SMBIOS 3.0.0

  • kickstart files can now be pulled from https sources

  • chrony has been added as an alternative to NTPd

  • squid 3.4 is available as a replacement to squid 3.1

  • enhancements have been made for guests running Hyper-V i.e. reporting kernel crashes to the hypervisor or running as a generation 2 guest

  • New package rear can be used to continuously create recovery images

  • SSLv3 and older insecure protocols are disabled by default, and various packages now have more configuration options to select the desired protocols

  • libreoffice has been rebased to

  • various packages have been rebased to more current version i.e. elfutils, SystemTap, ipmitool, memtest86+, icedtea-web, various hardware drivers, shadow utils, virt-who and others



历史版本 :
CentOS 7.4 发布,安全稳定的 Linux 发行版
重要的 CentOS 7 Linux 内核安全更新修复了五个漏洞
CentOS 6.9 发布,安全稳定的 Linux 发行版
CentOS 7.3 发布,Linux 发行版
CentOS 7发布内核修复补丁 修复“Dirty COW”提权漏洞
CentOS 6.8 发布
CentOS 7 二月更新镜像已放出:版本号1602
CentOS Linux 7二月更新镜像已放出:版本号1602
CentOS 7 AMR版正式发布:支持树莓派2/香蕉派/CubieTruck
CentOS 7-1511 发布
CentOS Linux 7 的 32 位版发布
CentOS 6.7 发布,全面支持 LVM 高速缓冲
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