发布于 2016-05-24 00:29:58 | 155 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Apache Avro 数据序列化系统
Avro(读音类似于[ævrə])是Hadoop的一个子项目,由Hadoop的 创始人Doug Cutting(也是Lucene,Nutch等项目的创始人)牵头开发。Avro是一个数据序列化系统,设计用于支持大 批量数据交换的应用。它的主要特点有:支持二进制序列化方式,可以便捷,快速地处理大量数据;动态语言友好,Avro提供的机制使动态语言可以方便地处理 Avro数据。
Apache Avro 1.8.1 发布了,
bug 修复:
[AVRO-1493] - Avoid the "Turkish Locale Problem"
[AVRO-1642] - JVM Spec Violation 255 Parameter Limit Exceeded
[AVRO-1667] - Parser symbol tree flattening is broken for recursive schemas
[AVRO-1700] - avro_BufferStreambuf_hh__ header guard warning
[AVRO-1711] - JsonDecoder.skipChildren skips more than it should.
[AVRO-1807] - NullPointerException from Json.ObjectWriter
[AVRO-1819] - org.apache.avro.Protocol.parseMessage doesn't respect request field's aliases
[AVRO-1820] - Read annotations to request's fields
[AVRO-1824] - Avro C++ Documentation fix
[AVRO-1826] - build.sh rat fails over extra license files and many others.
[AVRO-1832] - Invoking toString() method unexpectedly modified the avro record.
[AVRO-1845] - Invoking toString() method unexpectedly modified the avro record.
[AVRO-1684] - Add date, time, and timestamp to specific object model classes
[AVRO-1784] - Should have a C++ json encoder that pretty prints.
[AVRO-1823] - DataFileStream to include the exception when reading of the magic fail
[AVRO-1825] - Allow running build.sh dist under git
[AVRO-1829] - C++ documentation improvements
[AVRO-1834] - Lower the Javadoc warnings on the generated code.
[AVRO-1835] - Running tests using JDK 1.8 complains about MaxPermSize
[AVRO-1838] - Ensure Checkstyle enforces trailing spaces rule
[AVRO-1839] - Update the gitignore files to hide generated files
[AVRO-1840] - Ensure that build.sh clean really cleans all generated files
[AVRO-1841] - Add clientside githooks to do basic commit validation