发布于 2016-05-19 07:53:24 | 189 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
GNU Hurd 微内核的守护进程
GNU Hurd 是一系列基于 GNU Mach 或者 L4 微内核的守护进程,这一套守护进程最终形成了 GNU 操作系统。GNU 计划从1990年开始开发 GNU Hurd,并且将它作为一个遵循 GPL 的自由软件发布。Hurd 的目标是从功能、安全性和稳定性上全面超越 Unix 内核,而同时又能保持对其的兼容性,为此 Hurd 遵守 POSIX 标准。
GNU Hurd 0.8 发布了。更新如下:
The netfs library is using the lockless reference-counting primitives for both peropen and node objects now, and the global reference counting lock has been removed.
The integer hashing library gained a new interface to use non-integer keys. It is now used in libdiskfs' and nfs' node cache, and the ftpfs translator.
Several bugs in our native fakeroot tool have been fixed improving stability and correctness of the translation.
The devnode translator and the hurd-slab library have been merged into this repository.
The code has been cleaned up, and we fixed numerous bugs, most notably a crash in pfinet, a locking bug in libdiskfs, and an out-of-bounds access in ext2fs' block cache.
下载地址:ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/hurd/ ,http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/hurd/