发布于 2016-05-09 23:58:16 | 280 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Apache Camel
Apache Camel是Apache基金会下的一个开源项目,它是一个基于规则路由和中介引擎,提供企业集成模式的Java对象的实现,通过应用程序接口(或称为陈述式的Java领域特定语言(DSL))来配置路由和中介的规则。领域特定语言意味着Apache Camel支持你在的集成开发工具中使用平常的,类型安全的,可自动补全的Java代码来编写路由规则,而不需要大量的XML配置文件。同时,也支持在Spring中使用XML配置定义路由和中介规则。
Apache Camel 2.17.1 发布了,一些提升及新特性:
[CAMEL-9574] - Be able to force one-way operation when using camel-cxf transport
[CAMEL-9883] - Add a SpringCache based idempotent repository
[CAMEL-9332] - Support @MockEndpoint and @MockEndpointAndSkip in Spring Boot
[CAMEL-9549] - camel-schematron - More fine grained error messages when compiling the schema
[CAMEL-9735] - camel-tarfile throws OutOfMemoryError when splitting large files
[CAMEL-9736] - SolrComponent gets the wrong Content Type
[CAMEL-9740] - Improve camel-infinispan
[CAMEL-9745] - Splitter - Should skip null messages if iterator returns null
[CAMEL-9752] - Quartz2 Scheduled route too many workers
[CAMEL-9761] - camel-swagger-java - Allow to use custom CORS headers for api-docs
[CAMEL-9769] - camel-spring-javaconfig - Make the main class easier
[CAMEL-9775] - Clean configuration meta-datat description
[CAMEL-9776] - camel-braintree: add uri param to configure advanced options
[CAMEL-9782] - camel-spring-boot - Allow to configure options on CamelContext using auto config
[CAMEL-9790] - camel-kafka 2.17 not throwing TimeoutException back which is throw by Kafka client
[CAMEL-9791] - DeadLetterChannel not triggered on RejectedExecutionException
[CAMEL-9796] - Internal Access still displayed, no change to JSON generated
[CAMEL-9798] - camel-cdi - Add support for injecting default ProducerTemplate
[CAMEL-9808] - SFTP: Enable configuration of bulk requests
[CAMEL-9811] - camel-cdi - Add support for consumer template injection
[CAMEL-9815] - Add URI parameter to skip the declaration of the exchange
[CAMEL-9818] - Camel kafka consumer adds legacy (deprecated properties) in the kafka consumer
[CAMEL-9838] - Add ends with operator to simple language
[CAMEL-9842] - Expose additional endpoint configuration options to UndertowHost handler methods
[CAMEL-9845] - camel-jdbc - Silent ignore close errors
[CAMEL-9859] - Re-enable Netty4 Channel Options.
[CAMEL-9860] - csv dataformat - Should have quoteMode option in model
[CAMEL-9899] - camel-rx - Use a worker pool for tasks such as stopping consumers
[CAMEL-9900] - camel-jms - provide option for MessageListenerContainer for reply managers to stop quicker when CamelContext is stopping
[CAMEL-9904] - Avoid creating an empty default Camel context in Camel CDI for empty deployments
[CAMEL-9905] - TarAggregationStragegy should delete temporary files
[CAMEL-9915] - Allow to use the tarfile data format in XML marshal/unmarshal
[CAMEL-9925] - Update Salesforce component to use Jetty9
[CAMEL-9927] - Reduce object creation in RedisProducer
[CAMEL-9932] - sql-stored - Add support for arrays in grammar