发布于 2016-05-06 00:25:40 | 203 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Riak key-value存储服务器
Riak 是一个去中心化的 key-value 存储服务器,提供一个灵活的 map/reduce 引擎,一个友好的 HTTP/JSON 查询接口。
Riak TS 1.3 发布了,
Riak TS is now open source.
The HTTP API is a development tool added for development and debugging purposes. It is ideal for quick prototyping efforts, and provides API calls for accessing Riak TS data over HTTP.
Our supported SQL commands have expanded to include WITH
. The WITH
clause makes creating a TS table even easier, and INSERT
provides another way to add data to your TS table.
The relaxed key restrictions mean the family and series keys are no longer required, which makes TS table schemas more flexible, and makes customizing the data you store and how you store even easier.
TS now supports MDC fullsync replication on TS tables. At this time, MDC support in TS does not include AAE fullsync. To use MDC, you will need to create your TS tables in your clusters and then configure MDC.
Riak TS now offers integration with PHP and .NET clients.