发布于 2016-04-24 00:27:42 | 115 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Docker Compose
Docker Compose 是 Docker 编排服务的一部分,Machine 可以让用户在其它平台快速安装Docker,Swarm 可以让 Docker 容器在集群中高效运转,而 Compose 可以让用户在集群中部署分布式应用。简单的说,Docker Compose 属于一个“应用层”的服务,用户可以定义哪个容器组运行哪个应用,它支持动态改变应用,并在需要时扩展。
Docker Compose 1.7.0 发布了,
docker-compose logs
no longer follows log output by default. It now
matches the behaviour of docker logs
and exits after the current logs
are printed. Use -f
to get the old default behaviour.
Booleans are no longer allows as values for mappings in the Compose file
(for keys environment
, labels
and extra_hosts
). Previously this
was a warning. Boolean values should be quoted so they become string values.