发布于 2016-04-20 23:52:10 | 136 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Immutant Clojure应用服务器
Immutant 是一个 Clojure 的应用服务器,它是一个集成平台,基于 JBoss AS 7 构建,提供 Ring 处理器、异步消息、缓存、任务调度、XA 事务、集群和守护进程等等支持。
Immutant 2.1.4 发布了,
[IMMUTANT-613] - Add boot-immutant to WildFly guide
[IMMUTANT-614] - Using a dev war prints out a deprecation warning for app-relative
[IMMUTANT-615] - User can't catch errors that occur when writing the ring response
[IMMUTANT-616] - Allow adding extensions to undertow's WebSocket handshake handler