发布于 2016-04-18 23:50:02 | 180 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Immutable.js 不可变数据集合
Immutable 是 Facebook 开发的不可变数据集合。不可变数据一旦创建就不能被修改,是的应用开发更简单,允许使用函数式编程技术,比如惰性评估。Immutable JS 提供一个惰性 Sequence,允许高效的队列方法链,类似 map 和 filter ,不用创建中间代表。
Immutable.js 3.8.1 发布了,
通过惰性队列和哈希映射提供 Sequence
, Range
, Repeat
, Map
, OrderedMap
, Set
和一个稀疏 Vector
The methods keyOf
, findKey
, lastKeyOf
, and findLastKey
were moved from KeyedIterable to Iterable, so they may be also used on Lists and Sets. (#740)
Bug 修复:
Some issues with the flow definitions have been polished out thanks to @marudor. (#840, #841, #845)
Collections which contain Symbol
keys or values can now be stringified. (#620)
Negative indexing into the keySeq of an IndexedIterable returns correct results. (#811)
Can use the value Infinity
as a key in a Collection without crashing. (#797)