发布于 2016-04-05 00:58:03 | 118 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


Apache Clownfish

Apache Clownfish是Apache Lucy的一个分支,Apache Clownfish "symbiotic" 对象系统与 "host" 动态语言环境配对,促进高性能 "host" 语言的扩展开发。

Apache Clownfish 0.5.0 发布了。改进日志如下:

 New features:

    * [CLOWNFISH-2] - Create iterator for Hash
    * [CLOWNFISH-19] - Go (golang) bindings for CFC
    * [CLOWNFISH-23] - Markdown for documentation
    * [CLOWNFISH-26] - Markdown for standalone documentation files
    * [CLOWNFISH-28] - Proof-of-concept Go bindings
    * [CLOWNFISH-46] - Travis CI with multiple host languages
    * [CLOWNFISH-64] - Autogenerate subroutine code samples in Perl POD
    * [CLOWNFISH-66] - Python-specific CFC
    * [CLOWNFISH-71] - Autogenerate HTML documentation for C API
    * [CLOWNFISH-72] - Document Clownfish internals like header file language
    * [CLOWNFISH-75] - Add Clownfish page to lucy.apache.org


    * [CLOWNFISH-3] - Charmonizer bombs out trying to set warnings as errors
                      with Strawberry Perl
    * [CLOWNFISH-9] - Make most Clownfish core types final
    * [CLOWNFISH-24] - Error handling in C bindings is not thread-safe
    * [CLOWNFISH-33] - Duplicate hash entries
    * [CLOWNFISH-37] - Order of refcount manipulation when overwriting
    * [CLOWNFISH-45] - Dynamically subclassing a final class should fail
    * [CLOWNFISH-47] - Tighten up final method code gen and optimization
    * [CLOWNFISH-62] - Crash when passing Perl variable as decremented arg
    * [CLOWNFISH-63] - Don't export private methods via Go
    * [CLOWNFISH-69] - Clownfish::CFC missing from CPAN prereqs
    * [CLOWNFISH-84] - Guarantee nul-terminated arg to strtod in Str_To_F64


    * [CLOWNFISH-7] - String-only keys for Hash
    * [CLOWNFISH-11] - Rework ByteBuf
    * [CLOWNFISH-15] - Method OFFSET vars should be uint32_t instead of
    * [CLOWNFISH-27] - Use functions rather than methods for refcounting
    * [CLOWNFISH-30] - Eliminate autogenerated "callbacks.h"
    * [CLOWNFISH-34] - String-only keys for LFReg
    * [CLOWNFISH-35] - Use size_t for Array and Hash indices
    * [CLOWNFISH-39] - Public Vector API
    * [CLOWNFISH-40] - LockFreeRegistry should be private
    * [CLOWNFISH-42] - Move NumberUtils to Lucy
    * [CLOWNFISH-49] - Remove Obj_Mimic, Obj_To_[FI]64, Obj_To_Bool
    * [CLOWNFISH-50] - Convert some Obj methods to inert functions
    * [CLOWNFISH-51] - Go glue should convert clownfish.String to Go string
    * [CLOWNFISH-52] - Implement To_Host methods for core types
    * [CLOWNFISH-53] - Support MSVC in C mode
    * [CLOWNFISH-56] - Map Clownfish composite types to Go host types
    * [CLOWNFISH-57] - Map clownfish.Obj to Go empty interface
    * [CLOWNFISH-58] - Refine Hash API
    * [CLOWNFISH-59] - Refine Go bindings
    * [CLOWNFISH-61] - Run core tests under Go bindings
    * [CLOWNFISH-65] - Refresh intro docs
    * [CLOWNFISH-70] - Export major version from Perl bindings
    * [CLOWNFISH-79] - Improve generated Perl bindings


历史版本 :
Apache Clownfish 0.6.2 发布,共生对象系统
Apache Clownfish 0.6.1 发布,共生对象系统
Apache Clownfish 0.5.1 发布
Apache Clownfish 0.5.0 发布,Apache Lucy 分支
Apache Clownfish 0.4.4 发布
Apache Clownfish 0.4.3 发布
Apache Clownfish 0.4.2 发布
Apache Clownfish 0.4.1 发布,Lucy 分支
Apache Clownfish 0.4.0 发布,Apache Lucy 分支
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