发布于 2016-04-05 00:27:48 | 127 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


Apache Lucy 全文搜索引擎库

Apache Lucy 是一个全文搜索引擎库,使用 C 语言编写,主要面向一些动态语言,目前提供 Perl 语言的绑定。相当于是 C 语言版的 Lucene 。

Apache Lucy 0.5.0 发布了。改进日志:

 New features:

    * [LUCY-275] - Proof-of-concept Go bindings


    * [LUCY-273] - Require specific version of Clownfish
    * [LUCY-287] - Mismatch between required Clownfish versions
    * [LUCY-288] - Add Clownfish to configure_requires


    * [LUCY-274] - Refcounting needs to use functions rather than methods
    * [LUCY-277] - Autogenerate Go Bindings
    * [LUCY-279] - Prepare for removal of Obj methods
    * [LUCY-281] - Port host-specific Lucy code to Go/CGO
    * [LUCY-282] - Refine and test Go bindings
    * [LUCY-284] - Support multiple Go types as document
    * [LUCY-285] - Run core tests under Go bindings
    * [LUCY-289] - Check for incompatible Clownfish major version


    * [LUCY-290] - Review generated C API documentation


历史版本 :
Apache Lucy 0.6.1 发布,全文搜索引擎库
Apache Lucy 0.5.1 发布,全文搜索引擎库
Apache Lucy 0.5.0 发布,全文搜索引擎库
Apache Lucy 0.4.4 发布,全文搜索引擎库
Apache Lucy 0.4.3 发布,全文搜索引擎库
Apache Lucy 0.4.2 发布,全文搜索引擎库
Apache Lucy 0.4.1 发布,全文搜索引擎库
Apache Lucy 0.4.0 发布,全文搜索引擎库
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