发布于 2016-03-29 01:00:32 | 63 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
SystemTap Linux 内核诊断工具
SystemTap 是一种新颖的 Linux 内核诊断工具,提供了一种从运行中的 Linux 内核快速和安全地获取信息的能力。SystemTap 是内核开发人员和系统管理员的福音,因为这使得他们可以通过编写或者重用简单的脚本来收集内核的实时数据,而不需要再忍受修改源码、编译内核、重启系统的 漫长煎熬。
SystemTap 3.0 发布了。
The new experimental "interactive" mode, specified by "stap -i",
drops you into a command-line prompt where you can build up a script,
run it, edit it, run it again, etc. Type "help" for a list of commands.
New experimental --monitor[=INTERVAL] option similar to unix "top". This
allows users to see statistics about the running module(uptime, module name,
invoker uid, memory sizes, global variables, and the current probe list
along with their statistics).
An interface is also provided to allow control over the running
module (resetting global variables, sorting the list of probes, deactivating
and reactivating probes).
Add macros @prints to print a scalar aggregate variable, @prints[1-9]
to print an array aggregate (of given index-arity), formatted similarly
to the automatic printing of written-only global variables.
global a, b
probe oneshot { a <<< 1; b[tid()] <<< 2 }
probe end { @prints(a); @prints1(b) }
Add Czech version of key manual pages.
The stap compile server will log the stap client's options that are passed
to the server. The options that get logged on the server will include the
script name or the -e script, depending on which is used by the client.