发布于 2016-03-12 00:51:37 | 59 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Y PPA Manager PPA管理工具
Y PPA Manager 是一个图形化工具用来添加、删除、列表和搜索 Launchpad PPAs
由于一些Launchpad的变化,Y PPA Manager中的PPA包的搜索功能停止正常工作了返回一段时间,只返回搜索结果的一部分。2016年3月11日,最新Y PPA Manager也就是今天发布的,修复了这个问题。
list the packages available in a PPA added on your system;
download packages from PPAs without adding them;
PPAs backup / restore, along with all the PPA keys;
update single repositories using a command line tool (by the way, when you add a PPA using Y PPA Manager, it's updated without updating all the software sources) called "update-ppa" - usage example: "sudo update-ppa ppa:webupd8team/java"; this feature was implemented by Satya;
some options that should help you re-enable the working PPAs when upgrading to a newer Ubuntu / Linux Mint version;
remove duplicate PPAs;
Unity quicklists / optional AppIndicator;