发布于 2016-03-10 01:57:25 | 240 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


MacDown Markdown 编辑器

MacDown 是一款 Mac 下的 Markdown 编辑器。由于 Mou 的作者曾宣布不再继续该软件的开发并寻求出售所有权,所以 Macdown 的作者决定自己开发,MacDown 的很大一部分受到了 Mou 的影响。

MacDown 0.6.0 发布了,该版本增加了新的功能,修复了 Bug 提升了可用性,推荐所有用户升级。



  • Experimental plug-in architecture. MacDown can now accept plug-in bundles to add functionalities at runtime.

  • Scripting support. You can now use AppleScript and JavaScript (JXA) to automate interaction with MacDown programmatically.

修复的 bug

  • Fixed a crash in the command line utility if filenames contain special characters.

  • Fixed strange behaviours when toggling block syntaxes in a document caused by unintended integer overflow and underflow.


  • MacDown now updates the document content when file is edited with an external application. This prevents you from accidentally saving an older version of the document.

  • Convert lines to ordered list.

  • The save dialog now always appends .md automatically when saving an untitled file. You can still change the extension if you want.

  • The editor is now read-only when you hide it. Hotkeys still work (this is considered a bug that should be fixed in the future).

  • The HTML document is now rendered through Handlebars.


历史版本 :
MacDown 0.6.0 发布,MarkDown 编辑器
MacDown 紧急发布,修复程序崩溃问题
MacDown 0.5.5 发布,Markdown 编辑器
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