发布于 2016-03-02 07:55:12 | 196 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
okhttp HTTP+SPDY 客户端开发包
okhttp 是一个 Java 的 HTTP+SPDY 客户端开发包,同时也支持 Android。
okhttp 2.7.5 和 3.2.0 发布了,okhttp 是一个 Java 的 HTTP+SPDY 客户端开发包,同时也支持 Android。
okhttp 2.7.5 更新记录:
Fix: Change the certificate pinner to always build full chains. This prevents a potential crash when using certificate pinning with the Google Play Services security provider.
okhttp 3.2.0 更新记录:
Fix: Change the certificate pinner to always build full chains. This prevents a potential crash when using certificate pinning with the Google Play Services security provider.
Fix: Make IPv6 request lines consistent with Firefox and Chrome.
Fix: Recover gracefully when trimming the response cache fails.
New: Add multiple path segments using a single string in HttpUrl.Builder.
New: Support SHA-256 pins in certificate pinner.