发布于 2016-03-02 07:56:14 | 185 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


jemalloc 内存分配管理

jason认为phkmalloc(FreeBSD’s previous malloc implementation by Kamp (1998))没有考虑多处理器的情况,因此在多线程并发下性能低下(事实如此),而jemalloc适合多线程下内存分配管理。

jemalloc 4.1.0 发布了新的版本,增强了可移植性,性能也得以大大的优化。

jemalloc 4.1.0新特性:

* Implement decay-based unused dirty page purging, a major optimization with mallctl API impact. This is an alternative to the existing ratio-based unused dirty page purging, and is intended to eventually become the sole purging mechanism. New mallctls:


(@jasone, @cevans87)

* Add --with-malloc-conf, which makes it possible to embed a default options string during configuration. This was motivated by the desire to specify --with-malloc-conf=purge:decay , since the default must remain purge:ratio until the 5.0.0 release. (@jasone)
* Add MS Visual Studio 2015 support. (@rustyx, @yuslepukhin)
* Make *allocx() size class overflow behavior defined. The maximum size class is now less than PTRDIFF_MAX to protect applications against numerical overflow, and all allocation functions are guaranteed to indicate errors rather than potentially crashing if the request size exceeds the maximum size class. (@jasone)
* jeprof:
 Add raw heap profile support. (@jasone)
 Add --retain and --exclude for backtrace symbol filtering. (@jasone)

关于该版本的更多详情,可参见 https://github.com/jemalloc/jemalloc/releases/tag/4.1.0


历史版本 :
jemalloc 5.0.1 发布,内存分配管理
jemalloc 5.0.0 全新版本发布,内存分配管理
jemalloc 4.5.0 发布,内存分配管理
jemalloc 4.2.0 发布,内存分配管理
jemalloc 4.1.0 发布,增强了可移植性
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