发布于 2016-02-24 23:50:20 | 107 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


JGroups Java 组播通讯开发包

JGroups是一个开源的纯java编写的可靠的群组通讯工具。其是一个可靠的组播通讯工具集(需要说明的是,这并不是说必须要使用IP Multicast,JGroups也可以使用TCP来实现)。其工作模式基于IP多播,但可以在可靠性和群组成员管理上进行扩展。其结构上设计灵活,提供了一种灵活兼容多种协议的协议栈,对于每个产品都有不同的可靠性需求。

JGroups 3.6.8 发布了,这不是一个大版本,多数改动是关于优化,详细内容如下:

New features

Probe improvements

- Proper discarding of messages from a different cluster with '-cluster' option.
- Less information per cluster member; only the requested information is returned
- Detailed information about RPCs (number of sync, async RPCs, plus timings)
  - http://www.jgroups.org/manual/index.html#_looking_at_details_of_rpcs_with_probe


DONT_BUNDLE and OOB: messages are not removed from batch when execution fails

- Messages are not removed from batch when execution fails
- Rejections are not counted to num_rejected_msgs

COMPRESS: removed 1 byte[] buff copy

An unneeded copy of the compressed payload was created when sending and compressing a message. The fix should reduce
memory allocation pressure quite a bit.

RpcDispatcher: don't copy the first anycast

When sending an anycast to 3 destinations, JGroups sends a copy of the original message to all 3. However, the first
doesn't need to be copied (less memory allocation pressure). For an anycast to a single destination, no copy is
needed, either.

Compaction of in-memory size

- Reduced size of Rsp (used in every RPC) from 32 -> 24 bytes
- Request/UnicastRequest/GroupRequest: reduced size

RequestCorrelator.done() is slow

Used by RpcDispatcher. Fixed by eliminating the linear search done previously.

Bug fixes

FILE_PING: consider special characters in file names

Names like "A/web-cluster" would fail on Windows as the slash char ('/') was treated as demarcation char in some clouds.


The manual is at http://www.jgroups.org/manual/index.html.

The complete list of features and bug fixes can be found at http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JGRP.

Bela Ban, Kreuzlingen, Switzerland
Feb 2016

历史版本 :
JGroups 4.0.9.Final 发布,Java 组播框架
JGroups 4.0.6.Final 发布,Java 组播框架
JGroups 组播框架发布 4.0.0.Final 版本
Java 组播框架 JGroups-4.0.0.CR1 发布
Java 组播框架 JGroups-4.0.0.Beta1 发布
JGroups 4.0.0 发布,Java 组播通讯框架
Java 组播框架 JGroups-4.0.0.Alpha1 发布
JGroups 3.6.8 发布,Java 组播通讯框架
JGroups 3.6.7 发布,Java 组播通讯框架
JGroups 3.6.6 发布,Java 组播通讯框架
JGroups 3.6.5 发布,Java 组播通讯框架
JGroups 3.6.4.Final 发布,Java 组播通讯框架
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