发布于 2016-01-27 23:57:46 | 220 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
PhantomJS 是一个基于WebKit的服务器端 JavaScript API。它全面支持web而不需浏览器支持,其快速,原生支持各种Web标准: DOM 处理, CSS 选择器, JSON, Canvas, 和 SVG。PhantomJS可以用于页面自动化,网络监测,网页截屏,以及无界面测试等。
PhantomJS 2.1 在 23 号发布了,该版本更新了 WebKit 库,基于 Qt 5.5,新特性包括:
Upgraded Qt to 5.5.1 (issue #13377)
Added support for SSL Client Authentication (issue #11275)
Added support for context menu event (issue #11429)
Allow remote debugging to use random port assigned by the OS (issue #13432)
Allow outer context to access arbitrary URLs (issue #11217)
Fixed --local-storage-path and localStoragePath config option (issue #11596)
Restored --local-url-access=no regression (issue #13412)
Fixed an issue with loading JS modules contains a last-line comment (issue #12868)
Fixed an issue with returning binary content in WebServer module (issue #13026)
Fixed encoded URL loading on Windows (issue #12953)
Fixed building with GCC 5 (issue #13518)
Fixed file upload (issue #12506)
Fixed latest OS detection (issue #13829)
Phantom JS是一个服务器端的 JavaScript API 的 WebKit。其支持各种Web标准: DOM 处理, CSS 选择器, JSON, Canvas, 和 SVG