发布于 2016-01-13 08:31:20 | 95 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
FlowBAT 网络流量分析工具
FlowBAT 是一个基于流的图形化(graphical flow-based)分析工具。通过使用网络流量记录的多功能性,FlowBAT 可以为网络管理员和网络安全从业者提供可视化效果。
FlowBAT v1.4.0 发布更新如下:
Specify RWF/RW Files: You can now specify individual RWF/RW files to search within the tool. This allows you to search and parse data files outside of your normal data directory, or files you’ve generated yourself from PCAPs.
RWStats Pivoting: You can now pivot from RWStats results for quick IP/port lookups.
SiLK Compression: New SiLK installs will have file compression turned on by default when installing from the silkinabox.sh script.
Added multiple help popovers to upset and tuple pages.
Updated SiLK, libfixbuf, and YAF to most recent versions in silkinabox.sh installed script.
Removed uncessary verbosity from tar extraction in the SiLK installation.
修补 bug:
Fixed issue where rwcount CSV files were not being returned when requested.
Fixed navbar graphical issues that occurred as a result of iron-router changes.
FlowBAT 是一个基于流的图形化(graphical flow-based)分析工具。通过使用网络流量记录的多功能性,FlowBAT 可以为网络管理员和网络安全从业者提供可视化效果。
FlowBAT 用 Node.js 写成,使用 Meteor 框架,它设计初衷就是和 SiLK-based 的 NetFlow 系统协同工作,或者与其它结合安装。FlowBAT 易于安装和部署。