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Ansible 计算机系统配置管理器

Ansible 是一个模型驱动的配置管理器,支持多节点发布、远程任务执行。默认使用 SSH 进行远程连接。无需在被管理节点上安装附加软件,可使用各种编程语言进行扩展。

Ansible 2.0 发布,带来的新特性包括: playbook-level 异常处理,更好的错误检测,一组新的 OpenStack 模块。主要更新如下:

* Releases are now named after Led Zeppelin songs, 1.9 will be the last Van Halen named release.
* The new block/rescue/always directives allow for making task blocks and exception-like semantics
* New strategy plugins (e.g. `free`) allow control over the flow of task execution per play. The default (`linear`) will be the same as before.
* Improved error handling, with more detailed parser messages. General exception handling and display has been revamped.
* Task includes are now evaluated during execution, allowing more dynamic includes and options. Play includes are unchanged both still use the `include` directive.
* "with_<lookup>" loops can now be used with task includes since they are dynamic.
* Callback, connection, cache and lookup plugin APIs have changed. Existing plugins might require modification to work with the new versions.
* Callbacks are now shipped in the active directory and don't need to be copied, just whitelisted in ansible.cfg.
* Many API changes. Those integrating directly with Ansible's API will encounter breaking changes, but the new API is much easier to use and test.
* Settings are now more inheritable; what you set at play, block or role will be automatically inherited by the contained tasks.
  This allows for new features to automatically be settable at all levels, previously we had to manually code this.
* Vars are now settable at play, block, role and task level with the `vars` directive and scoped to the tasks contained.
* Template code now retains types for bools and numbers instead of turning them into strings.
  If you need the old behaviour, quote the value and it will get passed around as a string
* Empty variables and variables set to null in yaml will no longer be converted to empty strings.  They will retain the value of `None`.
  To go back to the old behaviour, you can override the `null_representation` setting to an empty string in your config file or
  by setting the `ANSIBLE_NULL_REPRESENTATION` environment variable.
* Added `meta: refresh_inventory` to force rereading the inventory in a play.
  This re-executes inventory scripts, but does not force them to ignore any cache they might use.
* New delegate_facts directive, a boolean that allows you to apply facts to the delegated host (true/yes) instead of the inventory_hostname (no/false) which is the default and previous behaviour.
* local connections now work with 'su' as a privilege escalation method
* New ssh configuration variables(`ansible_ssh_common_args`, `ansible_ssh_extra_args`) can be used to configure a
  per-group or per-host ssh ProxyCommand or set any other ssh options.
  `ansible_ssh_extra_args` is used to set options that are accepted only by ssh (not sftp or scp, which have their own analogous settings).
* ansible-pull can now verify the code it runs when using git as a source repository, using git's code signing and verification features.
* Backslashes used when specifying parameters in jinja2 expressions in YAML dicts sometimes needed to be escaped twice.
  This has been fixed so that escaping once works. Here's an example of how playbooks need to be modified:

    # Syntax in 1.9.x
    - debug:
        msg: "{{ 'test1_junk 1\\3' | regex_replace('(.*)_junk (.*)', '\\1 \\2') }}"
    # Syntax in 2.0.x
    - debug:
        msg: "{{ 'test1_junk 1\3' | regex_replace('(.*)_junk (.*)', '\1 \2') }}"
    # Output:
    "msg": "test1 1\3"

* When a string with a trailing newline was specified in the playbook via yaml
dict format, the trailing newline was stripped. When specified in key=value
format the trailing newlines were kept. In v2, both methods of specifying the
string will keep the trailing newlines. If you relied on the trailing
newline being stripped you can change your playbook like this:

    # Syntax in 1.9.2
      message: >
        some things
    - debug:
        msg: "{{ message }}"
    # Syntax in 2.0.x
      old_message: >
        some things
      message: "{{ old_messsage[:-1] }}"
    - debug:
        msg: "{{ message }}"
    # Output
    "msg": "Testing some things"

* When specifying complex args as a variable, the variable must use the full jinja2
variable syntax ('{{var_name}}') - bare variable names there are no longer accepted.
In fact, even specifying args with variables has been deprecated, and will not be
allowed in future versions:

    - hosts: localhost
      connection: local
      gather_facts: false
          - { path: /tmp/3a, state: directory, mode: 0755 }
          - { path: /tmp/3b, state: directory, mode: 0700 }
        - file:
          args: "{{item}}"
          with_items: my_dirs

* The bigip* networking modules have a new parameter, validate_certs.  When
  True (the default) the module will validate any hosts it connects to against
  the TLS certificates it presents when run on new enough python versions.  If
  the python version is too old to validate certificates or you used certificates
  that cannot be validated against available CAs you will need to add
  validate_certs=no to your playbook for those tasks.

更多内容请看: the changelog

发行说明:Version 2.0

Ansible 提供一种最简单的方式用于发布、管理和编排计算机系统的工具,你可在数分钟内搞定。

Ansible 是一个模型驱动的配置管理器,支持多节点发布、远程任务执行。默认使用 SSH 进行远程连接。无需在被管理节点上安装附加软件,可使用各种编程语言进行扩展。

历史版本 :
Ansible 2.0 发布,带来全新 OpenStack 模块
Ansible 1.9.1 发布,计算机系统配置管理器
Ansible 1.9.1-0.3 rc3 发布,计算机系统配置管理器
Ansible 1.9.0 发布,计算机系统配置管理
Ansible 1.8 发布,计算机系统配置管理
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