发布于 2016-01-11 00:31:22 | 171 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
dbMigration .NET 多数据库迁移工具
dbMigration .NET 是个简单,易用,直观的多数据库迁移工具。通过 DBMigration .NET 可以在不同数据库之间轻松迁移模式和数据,不需要经过复杂的程序处理。当前支持的数据库:PostgreSQL, SQL Server, SQL Azure, LocalDB, MySQL, Oracle, IBM DB2, Informix, HP Vertica, NuoDB, Teradata, Sybase ASE, Firebird, SQLite, SQLCe, Access, dBase, FoxPro 等等。
dbMigration .NET 2.3 发布,此版本相比 1.1 版本更新内容如下:
Compatible with PostgreSQL 9.5
Updated to Npgsql.dll 2.2.7
Added Data Synchronization
Excel, Generic ODBC and Generic OleDB support
VIEW Objects support
Added Automatically create indexes
Added Saving Changes
Added Skipping error rows
Improved Automatically match columns
Change Password prompt dialog when password expired
Added Selecting multiple columns to Edit
Added Auto Completion for Filter
UPPERCASE and lowercase support
Improved Automatic column matching
Improved Filter source data
(Command-Line) Default Confirmation Options (if the target table exists): -defopt:[rename/recreate/delete/append/sync]
(Command-Line) Log mode and No window (DBMigration.log): -log
(Command-Line) Exit Code: Success=0, Failure=1
(Command-Line) Automatically create a target database (Firebird/SQLite/Access/SQLCe/Excel)
(Command-Line) Automatically add source and target connections (Firebird/SQLite/Access/SQLCe/Excel/FoxPro/OleDB)
dbMigration .NET 是个简单,易用,直观的多数据库迁移工具。通过 DBMigration .NET 可以在不同数据库之间轻松迁移模式和数据,不需要经过复杂的程序处理。当前支持的数据库:PostgreSQL, SQL Server, SQL Azure, LocalDB, MySQL, Oracle, IBM DB2, Informix, HP Vertica, NuoDB, Teradata, Sybase ASE, Firebird, SQLite, SQLCe, Access, dBase, FoxPro 等等。
SQL 预览
集成 Database .NET
BLOB 类型支持