发布于 2015-12-31 00:28:40 | 195 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Aspose于2002年3月在澳大利亚悉尼创建。公司网站于2002年10月对外发布。Aspose 一直致力于成为全球最大的.Net 组件提供商,为全球.NET 程序员提供最丰富的选择。数十个国家的数千机构选择了Aspose的产品,这包括微软、IBM、普华永道、安永、杜邦、希尔顿酒店、读者文摘、美洲银行、波音、西门子等等。
Aspose .NET Quote Generator for DNN 是 Aspose 的开源模型,可以让用户在无需其它软件的辅助条件下,在你的 DNN 网站生成 Quotations。它使用 Aspose.Words for .NET 的强大特性,让你轻松生成 quotation。第一个版本特性如下:
Generate quotations with MailMerged template
Allow to edit quotation document title, reference #, generating date
Allow to upload and use company logo image
Allow to enter company name and complete address
Allow to display company name OR logo image OR both
Allow to enter customer/client name and complete address
Allow to dynamically create products/items rows between 0-99
Calculates total amount for each product/items
Allow to apply VAT percent for each item between 0-20 with each decimal points
Calculates VAT and total amount for each product
Calculates grand amount for all product/items, including VAT applied
Allow to enter quotation description/note details
Allow to enter quotation T&C (Terms & Conditions)
Mail Merge Template is already created and placed in template folder in the package and will be used to export the quotation in a pre-defined MailMerge template.
Allow to export quotation to PDF (*.Pdf), MS Word 2003-2007 (*.Doc), Office Open XML WordprocessingML (*.Docx), ODF Text Document (*.Odt), Tiff Image/s (*.Tiff), JPEG Image (*.Jpeg), PNG Image (*.Png).
Simple MailMerge
Data Table MailMerge
Compressed Image Embed
Region & Shapes Find and Update
Remove Empty Regions
Save document to *.Pdf, *.Doc, *.Docx, *.Odt, *.Tiff, *.Jpeg, *.Png File Format
License Verification & Embed