发布于 2015-12-30 07:59:21 | 125 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Neo4j 高性能NoSQL图形数据库
Neo4j 是一个高性能的 NoSQL 图形数据库。Neo4j 使用图(graph)相关的概念来描述数据模型,把数据保存为图中的节点以及节点之间的关系。很多应用中数据之间的关系,可以很直接地使用图中节点和关系的概念来建模。对于这样的应用,使用 Neo4j 来存储数据会非常的自然,要优于使用关系数据库。
Neo4j 2.2.8 发布,更新内容如下:
Fixes #6075 – internal transaction pools would incorrectly hold on to the defunct lock manager from the previous epoch after a master switch, which would then cause arbitrary future transactions to fail with a MasterClient214 could not connect
Fixes #6022 – a bug with legacy index transaction state, that could lead to missing index entries, when a transaction involve both a node legacy index and a relationship legacy index, that both have the same name, and one of the indexes is dropped or relationships are removed from the relationship legacy index.
Fixes #5988 – a performance issue where locks were taken for read-only queries when reading properties with a unique constraint. This was a regression for the RULE planner, and always a performance issue for the COST planner
Several Cypher fixes: Equality now treats chars as strings, NoSuchIndex
is now a DatabaseError, ..and more..