发布于 2015-12-21 02:52:16 | 187 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Hibernate OGM NoSQL的持久层框架
Hibernate 团队对外宣布了一个新的家族成员,Hibernate OGM, OGM 是 Object Grid Mapping的缩写,它的目标是试图使用 JPA 来操作 NoSQL数据库。
Hibernate OGM 5.0.0Beta1 发布,此版本更新内容如下:
Bug 修复
* OGM-917 - mongodb - Embeddable key with single column not working with MongoDB
** 改进
* OGM-935 - core - Upgrade to Hibernate ORM 5.0.5.Final
* OGM-928 - redis - Use Strings in RedisConnection instead of byte array
* OGM-915 - core - Provide easy access to all required meta-data to schema definers
* OGM-904 - couchdb - Use more natural format to store map-typed properties in CouchDB
* OGM-931 - core - Allow to persist an entity with association to non-managed entity
* OGM-929 - tests - Refactor test runners for skip by provider and skip by dialect
* OGM-894 - cassandra - Support Cassandra 2.2 type mappings
** 新特性
* OGM-927 - mongodb, query - Native CLI queries don't support logical operator
* OGM-933 - core - Implement PostLoad annotation support
* OGM-145 - core - Expose the collection type (Map, Set, List etc) so that the underlying structure might be smarter
* OGM-907 - mongodb, neo4j - Implement MultigetGridDialect for relevant Dialects
* OGM-914 - core - Expose entity key metadata through association key meta data
* OGM-930 - cassandra, core, couchdb, redis - Map basic properties annotated with @Lob
** 任务
* OGM-938 - build - Upgrade to Hibernate Search 5.5.1.Final
* OGM-939 - tests - Upgrade to WildFly 10.0.0.CR4 and related EE7 components
* OGM-936 - infinispan - Upgrade to Infinispan 8.0.2.Final
* OGM-925 - build - Upgrade Hibernate Search and Apache Lucene to 5.5.0.Final and 5.3.1
* OGM-890 - build, redis - Use Netty modules provided by WildFly for Redis driver
* OGM-916 - documentation - Write a how-to guide for creating an OGM dialect
Hibernate 团队对外宣布了一个新的家族成员,Hibernate OGM, OGM 是 Object Grid Mapping的缩写,它的目标是试图使用 JPA 来操作 NoSQL数据库。