发布于 2015-11-26 00:17:54 | 85 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
psutil Python的进程处理工具包
psutil 是一个 Python模块用来获取正在运行的进程信息和系统的CPU和内存的利用率。类似 Linux 的 ps 、top 和 Windows 的任务管理器等程序。
psutil 3.3.0 发布,主要更新如下:
Process.memory_maps() is not implemented. The kernel provides the necessary pieces but I didn't do this yet (hopefully later).
Process.num_ctx_switches()'s involuntary field is always 0. kinfo_proc provides this info but it is always set to 0.
Process.cpu_affinity() (get and set) is not supported.
Process.exe() is determined by inspecting the command line so it may not always be available (return None).
psutil.swap_memory() sin and sout (swap in and swap out) values are not available and hence are always set to 0.
psutil.cpu_count(logical=False) always return None.
psutil 是一个 Python模块用来获取正在运行的进程信息和系统的CPU和内存的利用率。类似 Linux 的 ps 、top 和 Windows 的任务管理器等程序。