发布于 2015-11-26 00:31:36 | 197 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
JavaMelody 系统监控工具
JavaMelody是一个系统监控工具 , 能够监测Java或Java EE应用程序服务器,并以图表的方式显示:Java内存和Java CPU使用情况,用户Session数量,JDBC连接数,和http请求、sql请求、jsp页面与业务接口方法(EJB3、Spring、 Guice)的执行数量,平均执行时间,错误百分比等。图表可以按天,周,月,年或自定义时间段查看。
JavaMelody v1.58 发布,更新如下:
fix issue 492: incompatibility of the release v1.57.0 (isAsyncStarted) with servlet api 2.5 (Tomcat 6).
fix the datasource monitoring in WildFly 9.0.1 (45203cf thanks to jayblanc)
fix JENKINS-23442, In the Jenkins plugin, ClassCircularityError: java/util/logging/LogRecord (0ad60da)
improved: In the Jenkins plugin, upgrade the minimum Jenkins version to 1.580.1 and replace use of deprecated Jenkins api
fix issue 503: incompatibility with JIRA 7
fix issue 511: rename VERSION.properties to remove conflict with jgroups
fix from PR 505 and PR 507: German translations (thanks to mawulf)
fix from grails PR 27: In the JavaMelody Grails plugin, fix uppercase environment names to lowercase (thanks to timic)
fix from grails PR 28: In the JavaMelody Grails plugin, fix cannot disable spring counter (thanks to timic)
added: if Java 7 or later, 2 new graphs are displayed in "Other charts", below the main charts: "% System CPU" and "Used buffered memory" (5029404).
% System CPU is the CPU usage for the whole system (not just the JVM), between 0 and 100%.
Used buffered memory is the memory used, either by direct buffers allocated outside of the garbage-collected heap, using ByteBuffer.allocateDirect, or by mapped buffers created by mapping a region of a file into memory, using FileChannel.map.
improved: limit the different child requests per request in statistics to a raisonnable number (10000), issue 496.
avaMelody 能够监测Java或Java EE应用程序服务器,并以图表的方式显示:Java内存和Java CPU使用情况,用户Session数量,JDBC连接数,和http请求、sql请求、jsp页面与业务接口方法(EJB3、Spring、 Guice)的执行数量,平均执行时间,错误百分比等。图表可以按天,周,月,年或自定义时间段查看。