发布于 2015-11-25 23:56:59 | 193 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Hibernate Search 全文检索工具
Hibernate Search是在apache Lucene的基础上建立的主要用于Hibernate的持久化模型的全文检索工具。像Lucene这样的检索引擎能够给我们的项目在进行检索的时候带来 非常高的效率,但是它们在基本对象的检索时会有一些问题,比如不能实现检索内容跟实体的转换,Hibernate Search正是在这样的情况下发展起来的,基于对象的检索引擎,能够很方便的将检索出来的内容转换为具体的实体对象。此外Hibernate Search能够根据需要进行同步或异步的索引更新。
Hibernate Search 5.5.1 发布,更新内容:
Bug 修复
* [HSEARCH-2010] - Error message incorrectly references @SortField instead of @SortableField
* [HSEARCH-2019] - Build order of Maven modules is incorrect
* [HSEARCH-2021] - No way to make fields Sortable inside of custom FieldBridge
* [HSEARCH-2030] - DSL range/below on a string field creates a TermRangeQuery with lower bound equal to the null token
* [HSEARCH-2033] - Testsuite fails on Windows
* [HSEARCH-2037] - Multiple "must not" query clauses produce zero results
* [HSEARCH-1867] - Change TypeMetadata#getEmbeddedTypeMetadata() to return a set instead of list
* [HSEARCH-2034] - Allow the QueryBuilder DSL to disable scoring for must clauses
* [HSEARCH-2043] - Provide option to raise an exception in case uncovered sorts are detected
* [HSEARCH-2048] - Generalize MetadataProvidingFieldBridge contract to return types and names of created fields
* [HSEARCH-2013] - Upgrade tests to WildFly 10.0.0.CR2
* [HSEARCH-2015] - Upgrade Narayana to 5.2.5.Final
* [HSEARCH-2016] - Upgrade JGroups to 3.6.6.Final
* [HSEARCH-2017] - Upgrade Hibernate ORM to 5.0.2.Final
* [HSEARCH-2018] - Upgrade Apache Lucene to 5.3.1
* [HSEARCH-2026] - Upgrade to Byteman 3.0.2
* [HSEARCH-2027] - Upgrade to Hibernate ORM 5.0.3.Final
* [HSEARCH-2028] - Update documentation regarding the indexing of e-mail addresses
* [HSEARCH-2041] - Upgrade to WildFly 10.0.0.CR4
* [HSEARCH-2051] - Introduce JMH based performance tests for the engine component
* [HSEARCH-2053] - Upgrade to Hibernate Commons Annotations 5.0.1.Final
* [HSEARCH-2054] - Upgrade to Hibernate ORM 5.0.4.Final
* [HSEARCH-1964] - Review documentation chapter on combining queries with boolean operators
* [HSEARCH-2025] - remove OpenBitSet from documentation
* [HSEARCH-2029] - Hibernate Search does not reuse JavaReflectionManager from Hibernate.
* [HSEARCH-2038] - Performance: avoid scoring on operations which don't need scores to be computed
* [HSEARCH-2042] - Don't uninvert index when sorting by doc id or score
* [HSEARCH-2044] - Make spatial fields sortable by distance without index uninverting
* [HSEARCH-2050] - Avoid allocation cost of FacetConfig during creation of Document
* [HSEARCH-2052] - Avoid allocating an empty array on hot vararg invocation on ReflectionHelper