发布于 2015-11-23 23:57:07 | 189 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
phpMyAdmin MySQL数据库管理工具
phpMyAdmin 是一个以PHP为基础,以Web-Base方式架构在网站主机上的MySQL的数据库管理工具,让管理者可用Web接口管理MySQL数据库。借由此Web接口可以成为一个简易方式输入繁杂SQL语法的较佳途径,尤其要处理大量资料的汇入及汇出更为方便。
phpMyAdmin 4.5.2 发布,此版本更新内容:
- issue #11589 Incorrect parameter in mysqli_fetch_fields() - issue #11592 Missing headers in zipped export - issue #11590 Parser: Array to string conversion - issue #11597 Huge binary log growth on 4.5.x - issue #11594 'only_db' config option bug when db names contain underscore and are grouped - issue #11607 Unable to change password from Login information tab - issue #11610 Undefined variable: res_rel - issue #11611 Warning while exporting schema to PDF - issue #11612 Undefined index: new_row_format - issue #11605 Changing hostname kills password - issue #11614 Undefined variable: db - issue #11627 CREATE TABLE/INSERT INTO executed twice (ctrl+enter) - issue #11630 Warning: mysqli_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given - issue #11632 Exporting GIS visualization ignores start and row count - issue #11476 Errors instead of git info when PHP has no gzip support - issue #11633 CodeMirror tooltip shows below modal window - issue #11639 Bug with the MainBackground Color - issue Profiling checkbox is missing - issue #11642 Properly handle session expiry after POST requests - issue #11648 Notice in ./export.php#214 Undefined index: quick_or_custom - issue #11646 Unrecognized keywords - issue #11635 Sql not executed properly - issue #11631 Linter warnings when creating new user - issue #11626 wrong row count for query results - issue #11608 Analyzer doesn't recognize GRANT statements - issue #11602 Parser warnings (subqueries) - issue #11658 Collation column is empty in table Structure - issue #11661 Error changing table's column encoding
phpMyAdmin 是一个以PHP为基础,以Web-Base方式架构在网站主机上的MySQL的数据库管理工具,让管理者可用Web接口管理MySQL数据库。借由此Web接口可以成为一个简易方式输入繁杂SQL语法的较佳途径,尤其要处理大量资料的汇入及汇出更为方便。