发布于 2015-11-23 02:48:56 | 187 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
RethinkDB 分布式数据库
RethinkDB 2.2.1 发布,此版本是个 bug 修复版本,完全兼容 RethinkDB 2.2.0,Bug 修复列表:
Fixed a crash with the message "Guarantee failed: [found_hash_pair]" when runninggetAll
queries (#5085)
rethinkdb export
and rethinkdb dump
now limit the number of subprocesses to reduce memory consumption (#4809)
Fixed a segmentation fault in orderBy.limit
changefeeds (#5081)
Fixed a crash when using getAll
with illegal keys (#5086)
is now considered a deterministic operation if it is passed a single argument (#5092)
Fixed the "Task was destroyed but it is pending!" error when using the asyncio
event loop on Python (#5043)
RethinkDB 设计用来存储 JSON 文档的分布式数据库,可通过简单操作实现多机分布式存储。支持表的联合和分组查询。