发布于 2015-11-05 00:55:08 | 204 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
NetBeans 编辑器(IDE)
NetBeans 由Sun公司(2009年被甲骨文收购)在2000年创立,它是开放源运动以及开发人员和客户社区的家园,旨在构建世界级的Java IDE。NetBeans当前可以在Solaris、Windows、Linux和Macintosh OS X平台上进行开发,并在SPL(Sun公用许可)范围内使用。
NetBeans 8.1 IDE 发布,该版本除了关注最新的 Java 技术,还有增加了用于 HTML5/JavaScript 的工具。主要更新如下:
Node.js 应用开发
New Node.js project wizard
New Node.js Express wizard
Enhanced JavaScript Editor
New support for running Node.js applications
New support for debugging Node.js applications
HTML5/JavaScript 增强
New support for Gulp
New support for Mocha and Selenium
New Jade Node Template Engine support
New Shadow DOM support via NetBeans Chrome plugin
Enhanced support for Grunt
Enhancements for AngularJS and KnockoutJS
Projects recognized via package.json, bower.json, composer.json
Java 增强
Enhanced Code Completion("intellisense")
More expressive Navigator shows overridden & implemented methods
Enhanced ordering rules in Options window
Performance improvements for Java navigation tools:
"Go To Type" (Ctrl-O)
"Go To File" (Alt-Shift-O)
"Go To Symbol" (Ctrl-Alt-Shift-O)
"Find Usages" can include dependencies (details)
Java EE 增强
Support for remote Oracle WebLogic Server
Community contributed support for WildFly 9 and WildFly 10
PHP 增强
New support for Phing
Enhanced integration with Composer
Code coverage added to Nette Tester
New Symfony installer integration
C/C++ 增强
New mixed C++/Java development support
Enhancements to New Project Wizard
SVN, Git and Mercurial support in Remote mode
C++ Editor enhancements
New audits, hints and refactorings
Reverse engineering (Call Graph) enhancements
Profiler 重新设计和改进
Redesigned user interface
New features:
Live forward and reverse call trees in CPU results
Live allocation trees in Memory results
Monitoring CPU utilization
Thread dumps from profiled application
Engine improvements:
Faster connection to profiled application
Limited outgoing calls from profiled methods
Memory profiling for selected classes
Simplified profiler setup
Improved integration into the IDE
Enhancements to Git support
JRE bundled with the following NetBeans bundles:
NetBeans 由Sun公司(2009年被甲骨文收购)在2000年创立,它是开放源运动以及开发人员和客户社区的家园,旨在构建世界级的Java IDE。NetBeans当前可以在Solaris、Windows、Linux和Macintosh OS X平台上进行开发,并在SPL(Sun公用许可)范围内使用。