发布于 2015-10-26 00:21:17 | 169 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Light Table 集成开发环境
LightTable 是由 Microsoft Visual Studio 部门项目经理 Chris Granger 离职后用 clojure 和 css 开发的全新理念的 IDE,支持多种语言。Light Table是一个很简单的概念:我们需要真正的工作面板,不只是编辑器和项目管理器。我们可以把东西尽量整洁地堆在这里,需要的时候可以把资料直接拿出来看。
Light Table 0.8.0 Alpha 发布,此版本更新内容如下:
CHANGED: We have switched to Electron from NW.js
CHANGED: LT's releases and self-updating processes are completely in the open on Github
CHANGED: We no longer ship with a node binary as we're able to use Electon's node binary for background processes
CHANGED: Proxy support has been disabled. There is an issue for re-enabling it at #1984. We are looking for help on how to QA this.
CHANGED: :lt.objs.app/set-default-zoom-level
behavior takes a value from 0 to 1. With nw.js, it could take negative numbers which no longer work and will freeze LT on startup
CHANGED: When opening a file from the commandline, each invocation opens a new LightTable app regardless of whether LightTable is already open. To optionally bring back the old behavior, see #2014.
FIX: Major usability issues on >= OSX 10.10
FIX: Bug in :editor.force.wrap command
FIX: Invalid behaviors warning when installing plugin
FIX: Uninstalling plugin causes misleading missing dialog to popup
FIX: Installing plugins, loads new behaviors immediately
FIX: Open files from commandline that have whitespace
FIX: Styling for folding
FIX: Creating files under folders with '.' in name
FIX: Quote and link styling for default theme
FIX: Fat cursor not showing up when searching in default theme
ADDED: LT can be built from source with provided scripts across supported platforms
ADDED: Improved documentation - most core fns have docstrings, all namespaces have docstrings and developer docs
ADDED: Most of LT's node libraries are installed as npm dependencies instead of as forked libraries
ADDED: Vector format support for workspace behaviors
ADDED: Open to line number from commandline e.g. light FILE:LINE
ADDED: commandline comes with improved --help
ADDED: :lt.objs.editor/load-addon
behavior loads CodeMirror addons that ship with LT
ADDED: :lt.objs.editor/set-rulers
behavior to set CodeMirror rulers - screenshot
ADDED: Add file-type definitions for .feature, .rst and many more
ADDED: Add F-11 keybinding for fullscreen
ADDED: Add pmeta-/ for toggle-comment
ADDED: Better error handling for download errors
OSX built on OSX 10.9.5
Linux built on Ubuntu 14.04 VirtualBox
Windows built on Windows 7
LightTable 是由 Microsoft Visual Studio 部门项目经理 Chris Granger 离职后用 clojure 和 css 开发的全新理念的 IDE,支持多种语言。Light Table是一个很简单的概念:我们需要真正的工作面板,不只是编辑器和项目管理器。我们可以把东西尽量整洁地堆在这里,需要的时候可以把资料直接拿出来 看。