发布于 2015-10-15 00:26:53 | 205 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Apache Curator
Apache Curator 3.0.0 发布,该版本带来的对 ZooKeeper 的新的动态配置 APIs 的兼容,更新内容如下:
[CURATOR-160] - Support Dynamic Reconfig
[CURATOR-161] - Support Watcher Removal
[CURATOR-162] - Support Local Sessions
[CURATOR-214] - Support new create() APIs
[CURATOR-215] - Support async multi/transaction APIs
[CURATOR-217] - Use new Watcher Removal APIs in Curator Recipes
[CURATOR-247] - Extend Curator's connection state to support SESSION_LOST
[CURATOR-248] - Introduce pluggable error handlers
[CURATOR-249] - Update all Curator recipes to use new pluggable Error Handler
[CURATOR-253] - Use new injectSessionExpiration() in the test module
[CURATOR-265] - Dynamic Reconfig APIs needs some work and more accurate testing
[CURATOR-266] - Support updateServerList
[CURATOR-258] - PersistentEphemeralNode stops watching after first WatchedEvent
[CURATOR-260] - Fix tests in CURATOR-3.0
[CURATOR-268] - Curator client doesn't behave well when it loses connection: CRUD operation fail
[CURATOR-159] - Parent Task for ZooKeeper 3.5.0 support
[CURATOR-186] - Port Curator to Jackson FasterXML library from Jackson Codehaus library
[CURATOR-257] - Thread.sleep in TestingZooKeeperMain.blockUntilStarted is costly for unit tests
[CURATOR-261] - ZooKeeper 3.5.x has enough APIs so that Javassist can be removed
[CURATOR-259] - Add try-with-resources class for Curator locks
zookeeper 的客户端调用过于复杂,Apache Curator 就是为了简化zookeeper客户端调用而生,利用它,可以更好的使用zookeeper。