发布于 2015-09-14 14:56:37 | 292 次阅读 | 评论: 5 | 来源: 网络整理

Applications communicate with MongoDB by way of a client library or driver that handles all interaction with the database in language appropriate and sensible manner. See the following pages for more information about the MongoDB drivers:

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Alex Nordeen 发布于2021-03-24 04:31:04

Happy to pay for your effort

================ Original Message =================


Lets jump straight in..........

interested in working together?

I couldn't help notice that you're linked to https://docs.mongodb.com/ecosystem/drivers/ at your page http://m.phperz.com/article/15/0914/156703.html.

I would love to get a new https://www.guru99.com/mongodb-tutorials.html included of ours to your site.

Of course, I don’t want a free from you. I wouldn't reply to this kind of email if there wasn’t anything for me, so here’s what you can get:

• Social sharing of your article to our 50k social followers
• You will update the content and we all know Google pushes ranking for updated pages
• You will make me extremely happy

That's it. What do you think?

PS: I am real a person... here is a number to contact me +1 302 231 1286

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alex nordeen 发布于2021-03-22 04:16:07

I've reached out several times but haven't heard back, which tells me one of three things:
1. You’re interested in giving link back, but haven't had a chance to get back to me yet.
2. You're not interested and want me to stop emailing.
3. You've fallen and can't get up – in that case let me know and I'll call 911.
Can you please reply with 1, 2 or 3? I don't want to be a bother.

================ Original Message =================


Lets jump straight in..........

interested in working together?

I couldn't help notice that you're linked to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NoSQL at your page https://www.ibox444.com/blogger/webdesignblog.php?url=best-website-designer-jaipur.

I would love to get a new https://www.guru99.com/mongodb-tutorials.html included of ours to your site.

Of course, I don’t want a free from you. I wouldn't reply to this kind of email if there wasn’t anything for me, so here’s what you can get:

• Social sharing of your article to our 50k social followers
• You will update the content and we all know Google pushes ranking for updated pages
• You will make me extremely happy

That's it. What do you think?

PS: I am real a person... here is a number to contact me +1 302 231 1286
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Alex Nordeen 发布于2021-03-17 07:10:30

I want to check if you got my email below?

Do let me know if you are not interested. I don't want to waste your time.

================ Original Message =================


Lets jump straight in..........

interested in working together?

I couldn't help notice that you're linked to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NoSQL at your page https://obviate.io/2013/05/13/wrapping-my-brain-around-dynamodb/.

I would love to get a new https://www.guru99.com/mongodb-tutorials.html included of ours to your site.

Of course, I don’t want a free from you. I wouldn't reply to this kind of email if there wasn’t anything for me, so here’s what you can get:

• Social sharing of your article to our 50k social followers
• You will update the content and we all know Google pushes ranking for updated pages
• You will make me extremely happy

That's it. What do you think?

PS: I am real a person... here is a number to contact me +1 302 231 1286
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Alex Nordeen 发布于2021-03-13 04:54:15

Just making sure my email won't get buried in your inbox. :)

================ Original Message =================


Lets jump straight in..........

interested in working together?

I couldn't help notice that you're linked to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NoSQL at your page https://obviate.io/2013/05/13/wrapping-my-brain-around-dynamodb/.

I would love to get a new https://www.guru99.com/mongodb-tutorials.html included of ours to your site.

Of course, I don’t want a free from you. I wouldn't reply to this kind of email if there wasn’t anything for me, so here’s what you can get:

• Social sharing of your article to our 50k social followers
• You will update the content and we all know Google pushes ranking for updated pages
• You will make me extremely happy

That's it. What do you think?

PS: I am real a person... here is a number to contact me +1 302 231 1286
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alex 发布于2020-01-27 07:37:27

Saw your post on http://m.phperz.com/article/15/0914/156703.html, and noticed that you’ve shared https://docs.mongodb.com/ecosystem/drivers/.

Just thought that I recently published might be valuable to your readers/followers as well.https://www.guru99.com/mongodb-tutorials.html.

As a thankyou, I would be glad to share your page with our 31k Facebook/Twitter/Linkedin Followers.

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