发布于 2015-09-14 14:58:38 | 120 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网络整理


The getCmdLineOpts command returns a document containing command line options used to start the given mongod:

{ getCmdLineOpts: 1 }

This command returns a document with two fields, argv and parsed. The argv field contains an array with each item from the command string used to invoke mongod. The document in the parsed field includes all runtime options, including those parsed from the command line and those specified in the configuration file, if specified.

Consider the following example output of getCmdLineOpts:

        "argv" : [
        "parsed" : {
               "bind_ip" : "",
               "config" : "/etc/mongodb/mongodb.conf",
               "dbpath" : "/srv/mongodb",
               "fork" : true,
               "logappend" : "true",
               "logpath" : "/var/log/mongodb/mongod.log",
               "quiet" : "true"
        "ok" : 1


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