发布于 2015-09-14 15:13:07 | 194 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网络整理

MongoDB import and export utilities (i.e. mongoimport and mongoexport) and MongoDB REST Interfaces render an approximation of MongoDB BSON documents in JSON format.

The REST interface supports three different modes for document output:

  • Strict mode that produces output that conforms to the JSON RFC specifications.
  • JavaScript mode that produces output that most JavaScript interpreters can process (via the --jsonp option)
  • mongo Shell mode produces output that the mongo shell can process. This is “extended” JavaScript format.

MongoDB can process of these representations in REST input.

Special representations of BSON data in JSON format make it possible to render information that have no obvious corresponding JSON. In some cases MongoDB supports multiple equivalent representations of the same type information. Consider the following table:

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