发布于 2015-09-14 15:13:07 | 94 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网络整理
The easiest way to contribute is to file bugs and feature requests on JIRA.
If you would like to help code the driver, read on.
You can choose a bug on JIRA and fix it. Make a comment that you are working on it, to avoid overlap.
We would be grateful for any and all tests people would like to write.
If you think a feature is missing from the driver, check on IRC or the mailing list, then go ahead and create a JIRA case and add the feature.
The best way to make changes is to create an account on GitHub, fork the Perl driver, make your improvements, and submit a merge request.
To make sure your changes are approved and to speed things along:
Bonus (for C programmers, particularly):
The important files:
| perl_mongo.c # serialization/deserialization
| mongo_link.c # connecting to, sending to, and receiving from the database
- lib
- MongoDB
| Connection.pm # connection, queries, inserts... everything comes through here
| Database.pm
| Collection.pm
| Cursor.pm
| OID.pm
| GridFS.pm
- GridFS
| File.pm
- xs
| Mongo.xs
| Connection.xs
| Cursor.xs
| OID.xs