发布于 2015-09-14 15:13:05 | 335 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网络整理

MongoDB does not include a GUI-style administrative interface. Instead most administration is done from command line tools such as the mongo shell. However some UI’s are available as separate community projects and are listed below. Some are focused on administration, while some focus on data viewing.


- The MongoDB Monitoring Service (MMS) from 10gen. - Tim Gourley’s blog has a good summary of the tools. - The built-in replica set admin UI page.


Articles about 3rd-Party Admin Tools


Edda is a log visualizer. It takes logs as input and creates a timeline of notable events in the set. It can be installed via pip:

pip install edda

See also: Github source

Fang of Mongo

A web-based user interface for MongoDB build with django and jquery.

It will allow you to explore content of MongoDB with simple but (hopefully) pleasant user interface.


  • field name autocompletion in query builder
  • data loading indicator
  • human friendly collection stats
  • disabling collection windows when there is no collection selected
  • twitter stream plugin
  • many more minor usability fixes
  • works well on recent chrome and firefox

To track progress on twitter: @fangofmongo

UMongo (formerly JMongoBrowser)

UMongo is a GUI app that can browse and administer a MongoDB cluster. It is available for Linux, Windows and Mac OSX.


MongoExplorer is a MongoDB management tool, written in Silverlight.


  • Easy to use
  • Shows all the collections and documents of the database
  • Uses a convenient tree view for documents
  • Drag’n’drop is fully supported
  • Document in-place editing


MongoHub is a native OS X GUI.


MongoVision is a MongoDB management tool written for Prudence.


  • Extended JSON support
  • Tabular view
  • Click to sort
  • Filter boxes to alter query
  • Auto-refresh


MongoVUE is a .NET GUI for MongoDB.


mViewer is a web-based MongoDB administration tool.

See the Web UI For MongoDB video.


Opricot is a hybrid GUI/CLI/Scripting web frontend implemented in PHP to manage your MongoDB servers and databases. Use as a point-and-click adventure for basic tasks, utilize scripting for automated processing or repetitive things.

Opricot combines the following components to create a fully featured administration tool:

  • An interactive console that allows you to either work with the database through the UI, or by using custom Javascript.
  • A set of simple commands that wrap the Javascript driver, and provide an easy way to complete the most common tasks.
  • Javascript driver for MongoDB that works on the browser and talks with the AJAX interface.
  • Simple server-side AJAX interface for communicating with the MongoDB server (currently available for PHP).


PHPMoAdmin is a MongoDB administration tool for PHP built on a stripped-down version of the Vork high-performance framework.

  • Nothing to configure - place the moadmin.php file anywhere on your web site and it just works!
  • Fast AJAX-based XHTML 1.1 interface operates consistently in every browser!
  • Self-contained in a single 95kb file!
  • Works on any version of PHP5 with the MongoDB NoSQL database installed & running.
  • Super flexible - search for exact-text, text with * wildcards, regex or JSON (with MongoDB-operators enabled)
  • Option to enable password-protection for one or more users; to activate protection, just add the username-password(s) to the array at the top of the file.
  • E_STRICT PHP code is formatted to the Zend Framework coding standards + fully-documented in the phpDocumentor DocBlock standard.
  • Textareas can be resized by dragging/stretching the lower-right corner.
  • Free & open-source! Release under the GPLv3 FOSS license!
  • Option to query MongoDB using JSON or PHP-array syntax
  • Multiple design themes to choose from
  • Instructional error messages - phpMoAdmin can be used as a PHP-MongoDB connection debugging tool

PHPMoAdmin can help you discover the source of connection issues between PHP and MongoDB. Download phpMoAdmin, place the moadmin.php file in your web site document directory and navigate to it in a browser. One of two things will happen:

  • You will see an error message explaining why PHP and MongoDB cannot connect and what you need to do to fix it
  • You will see a bunch of MongoDB-related options, including a selection of databases (by default, the admin and local databases always exist) - if this is the case your installation was successful and your problem is within the PHP code that you are using to access MongoDB, troubleshoot that from the MongoDB docs on php.net


RockMongo is a MongoDB management tool, written in PHP 5.

Main features:

  • easy to install, and open source
  • multiple hosts, and multiple administrators for one host
  • password protection
  • query dbs
  • advanced collection query tool
  • read, insert, update, duplicate and remove single row
  • query, create and drop indexes
  • clear collection
  • remove and change (only work in higher PHP-MongoDB version) criteria matched rows
  • view collection statistics


A single-file MongoDB admin app, which is available as either a Ruby or PHP script.


Eclipse plugin for MongoDB.


A standalone MongoDB browser built in Ruby.

MongoDB ODA plugin for BIRT

The MongoDB ODA plugin for BIRT is an Eclipse based plugin that enables you to connect to a MongoDB database and pull out data to display in your BIRT report. The interface is simple and an extensive user guide is provided with the release.

Monad Management for MongoDB

  • demo: http://monad.citsoft.net/

An operations and administration management tool for MongoDB, with dashboards, alerting, and monitoring graphs.

Commercial Tools

Database Master


  • Tree view for dbs and collections
  • Create/Drop indexes
  • Server/DB stats
  • Support RDBMS (MySQL, postgres, ...)

MongoDBPumper for Oracle

MongoDBPumper for Oracle from spViewer Software

MongoDBPumper is a tool that facilitates data transfer between Oracle and MongoDB databases, and includes the following features:

  • Intuitive GUI wizard to facilitate data mapping and transfer operation.
  • Support for all Oracle database versions including 8.1.7, 9.0.1, 9.2.0, 10.1.0, 10.2.0, 11.1.0, 11.2.0
  • Support for all MongoDB database versions including 2.0, 2.2
  • Support of two-way data transfer between Oracle and MongoDb databases.
  • Supports most data types and performs data type conversions.
  • Support of parallel data transfer operations for optimal performance.
  • Support of loading MongoDb nested collections.
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