发布于 2015-09-14 15:13:05 | 335 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网络整理
MongoDB does not include a GUI-style administrative interface. Instead most administration is done from command line tools such as the mongo shell. However some UI’s are available as separate community projects and are listed below. Some are focused on administration, while some focus on data viewing.
- The MongoDB Monitoring Service (MMS) from 10gen. - Tim Gourley’s blog has a good summary of the tools. - The built-in replica set admin UI page.
Articles about 3rd-Party Admin Tools
Edda is a log visualizer. It takes logs as input and creates a timeline of notable events in the set. It can be installed via pip:
pip install edda
See also: Github source
A web-based user interface for MongoDB build with django and jquery.
It will allow you to explore content of MongoDB with simple but (hopefully) pleasant user interface.
To track progress on twitter: @fangofmongo
UMongo is a GUI app that can browse and administer a MongoDB cluster. It is available for Linux, Windows and Mac OSX.
MongoExplorer is a MongoDB management tool, written in Silverlight.
MongoVision is a MongoDB management tool written for Prudence.
Opricot is a hybrid GUI/CLI/Scripting web frontend implemented in PHP to manage your MongoDB servers and databases. Use as a point-and-click adventure for basic tasks, utilize scripting for automated processing or repetitive things.
Opricot combines the following components to create a fully featured administration tool:
PHPMoAdmin is a MongoDB administration tool for PHP built on a stripped-down version of the Vork high-performance framework.
PHPMoAdmin can help you discover the source of connection issues between PHP and MongoDB. Download phpMoAdmin, place the moadmin.php file in your web site document directory and navigate to it in a browser. One of two things will happen:
RockMongo is a MongoDB management tool, written in PHP 5.
Main features:
The MongoDB ODA plugin for BIRT is an Eclipse based plugin that enables you to connect to a MongoDB database and pull out data to display in your BIRT report. The interface is simple and an extensive user guide is provided with the release.
An operations and administration management tool for MongoDB, with dashboards, alerting, and monitoring graphs.
MongoDBPumper for Oracle from spViewer Software
MongoDBPumper is a tool that facilitates data transfer between Oracle and MongoDB databases, and includes the following features: