发布于 2015-08-31 23:58:24 | 282 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


JavaMelody 系统监控工具

JavaMelody是一个系统监控工具 , 能够监测Java或Java EE应用程序服务器,并以图表的方式显示:Java内存和Java CPU使用情况,用户Session数量,JDBC连接数,和http请求、sql请求、jsp页面与业务接口方法(EJB3、Spring、 Guice)的执行数量,平均执行时间,错误百分比等。图表可以按天,周,月,年或自定义时间段查看。

JavaMelody v1.57.0 发布,此版本更新内容如下:

  • fix: check if async before flushing the response (ee87b4b thanks to Mark Thomas)

  • fix issue 338: JavaMelody swallows response when some Spring WebAsyncTask/Callable is used (fix thanks to Violeta Georgieva). The web.xml example in the User's guide is also changed for those Async requests with Servlet API 3.0.

  • fix: used/max file descriptor counts are not displayed in oracle java 8 (c04ef79 thanks to Colin Ingarfield)

  • fix issue 488: IllegalStateException if a filter calls getWriter() before the MonitoringFilter

  • fix: in latest JIRA versions, the monitoring report outputs garbage (because gzip compression is now enabled by default in JIRA ; the fix disables the gzip compression of the monitoring report)

  • fix the monitoring of JNDI DataSources in Tomcat 8, for example in Confluence 5.8 (99767fb).

  • fix issue 480: StackOverflowError when applying sql-transform-pattern

  • improved: SQL keywords are highlighted in statistics (d78734c)

  • added: it's now easy to write scripts to get monitoring data from a monitored webapp and to send alerts based on thresholds using Jenkins. See the documentation.

  • improved: An api page is now available in the monitoring of your webapp with links to the ExternalAPI. The path of the page in your webapp is "monitoring?resource=help/api.html".

  • User's guide updated: better explain when to use http-transform-pattern or sql-transform-pattern (with help from Siegfried Goeschl)

  • User's guide updated: When using Tomcat, you can use variable substitution with system properties in the context xml file or in the web.xml file of your webapp. For example, to set the storage directory relative to the Tomcat home, add the following in the context file of the webapp in Tomcat conf: <Parameter name='javamelody.storage-directory' value='${catalina.base}/javamelody' override='false'/>.

  • Advanced User's guide updated: JavaMelody install in Spring-boot is documented, with example app.

  • Jenkins plugin: scripts examples updated to get data from slaves in Jenkins Monitoring Scripts, below the scripts for Jenkins master.




JavaMelody是一个系统监控工具 , 能够监测Java或Java EE应用程序服务器,并以图表的方式显示:Java内存和Java CPU使用情况,用户Session数量,JDBC连接数,和http请求、sql请求、jsp页面与业务接口方法(EJB3、Spring、 Guice)的执行数量,平均执行时间,错误百分比等。图表可以按天,周,月,年或自定义时间段查看。

历史版本 :
JavaMelody 1.70.0 发布,Java 应用监控平台
JavaMelody 1.69.0 发布,Java 应用监控平台
JavaMelody 1.68.1 发布,Java 应用监控平台
JavaMelody 1.68.0 发布,Java 应用监控平台
JavaMelody v1.67.0 发布,系统监控平台
JavaMelody v1.66.0 发布,系统监控平台
JavaMelody v1.65.0 发布,系统监控平台
JavaMelody v1.64.0 发布,系统监控平台
JavaMelody v1.63.0 发布,系统监控平台
JavaMelody v1.62.0 发布,系统监控平台
JavaMelody v1.61.0 发布,系统监控平台
JavaMelody v1.60.0 发布,系统监控平台
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