发布于 2015-08-20 00:19:46 | 205 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
这里有新鲜出炉的CKEditor 4 开发人员指南,程序狗速度看过来!
CKEditor 即 FCKEDITOR 。FCKeditor是目前最优秀的可见即可得网页编辑器之一,它采用JavaScript编写。具备功能强大、配置容易、跨浏览器、支持多种编程语言、开源等特点。它非常流行,互联网上很容易找到相关技术文档,国内许多WEB项目和大型网站均采用了FCKeditor。
CKEditor 4.5.3 发布,该版本主要更新是 bug 修复和提升稳定性,更新内容如下:
New Features:
#13501: Added the config.fileTools_defaultFileName
option to allow setting a default filen ame for paste uploads.
#13603: Added support for uploading dropped BMP images.
Fixed Issues:
#13590: Fixed: Various issues related to the Paste from Word feature. Fixes also:
#13386: [Edge] Fixed: Issues with selecting and editing images.
#13568: Fixed: The editor.getSelectedHtml()
method returns invalid results for entire content selection.
#13453: Fixed: Drag&drop of entire editor content throws an error.
#13465: Fixed: Error is thrown and the widget is lost on drag&drop if it is the only content of the editor.
#13414: Fixed: Content auto paragraphing in a nested editable despite editor configuration.
#13429: Fixed: Incorrect selection after content insertion by the Auto Embed plugin.
#13388: Fixed: Table Resize integration with Undo is broken.
Other Changes:
#13637: Several icons were refactored.
Updated Bender.js to 0.3.0 and introduced the ability to run tests via HTTPs (#13265).
CKEditor 即 FCKEDITOR 。FCKeditor是目前最优秀的可见即可得网页编辑器之一,它采用JavaScript编写。具备功能强大、配置容易、跨浏览器、支持多种编程语言、开源等特点。它非常流行,互联网上很容易找到相关技术文档,国内许多WEB项目和大型网站均采用了FCKeditor。