发布于 2015-08-11 00:31:46 | 209 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
OGLplus OpenGL 的 C++ 封装库
OGLplus (oglplus) 是一个仅包含头文件的 C++ 语言库,用于实现一个瘦面向对象的 OpenGL 门面操作接口,提供了自动资源和对象管理的封装,让在 C++ 中使用 OpenGL 更加简单和安全。
OGLplus 0.65.0 发布,此版本支持 GLX 和 EGL 示例中的多个示例,改进``Context`` 和 ``ClientContext``,还有 bug 修复,构建系统更新,快速入门文档更新。
- The GLX and EGL-based example harnesses were refactored and updated to use multisampling with the specified number of samples when the ``--samples`` option is specified.
- The ``FillRectangle`` value has been added to the ``PolygonMode`` enumeration.
- Most of the examples now use GLSL 120/130/140/150 where possible in order to support GL implementations which don't implement higher GLSL versions (for example Mesa3D).
- The ``ViewportIndex`` and ``DrawBufferIndex`` types were added.
- The ``Context`` and ``ClientContext`` classes were updated to use the new types, additional value checks were added to ``ClientContext``.
- A wrapper for ``NV_fragment_coverage_to_color`` extension has been added.
- The build system was updated to detect the availability of C++ the ``override`` specifier and it was added where appropriate to the source code.
- The Quickbook documentation has been updated.
下载:oglplus-0.65.0.tar.gz (5.8 MB)
OGLplus (oglplus) 是一个仅包含头文件的 C++ 语言库,用于实现一个瘦面向对象的 OpenGL 门面操作接口,提供了自动资源和对象管理的封装,让在 C++ 中使用 OpenGL 更加简单和安全。