发布于 2015-08-09 12:56:54 | 196 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
HeidiSQL MySQL图形化管理工具
HeidiSQL 是一款用于简单化你的 MySQL 服务器和数据库管理的图形化界面。HeidiSQL软件允许你浏览你的数据库,管理表,浏览和编辑记录,管理用户权限等等。此外,你可以从文本文件导入数据,运行 SQL查询,在两个数据库之间同步表以及导出选择的表到其它数据库或者 SQL 脚本当中。
HeidiSQL 9.3 发布,此版是一个维护版,修复了大量的bug。
HeidiSQL 是一款用于简单化你的 MySQL 服务器和数据库管理的图形化界面。HeidiSQL软件允许你浏览你的数据库,管理表,浏览和编辑记录,管理用户权限等等。此外,你可以从文本文件导入数据,运行 SQL查询,在两个数据库之间同步表以及导出选择的表到其它数据库或者 SQL 脚本当中。
* Bugfix: Crash in foreign key dropdown editor
* Bugfix: Crash when killing processes on very long running servers
* Bugfix: SQL error when accessing UUID and JSON columns in PostgreSQL via SUBSTR
* Bugfix: MSSQL: Prefer "schema.table" quoting over "schema"."table" when renaming a table
* Bugfix: Fix column type converted to locale string format by String.ToUpper in TDBConnection.GetCreateCode - prefer String.ToUpperInvariant instead, to avoid funny characters in data types
* Bugfix: MSSQL: Do not pass "Database=xyz" to connection string if database(s) setting contains more than one database
* Bugfix: MSSQL: Try to use some universal date/time format, by injecting a "T" between the date and the time portion
* Bugfix: Fix wrong detection of BIT default values
* Bugfix: Use "SET search_path TO db" instead of "SET SCHEMA db" for changing a database in PostgreSQL, for downward compatibility reasons
* Bugfix: Prepend 'E' to escaped PostgreSQL strings
* Bugfix: Use updated URL for MariaDB Explain analyzer, and encode semicolon in URL parameter
* Bugfix: User manager: Select "authentication_string" instead of "password" column on MySQL 5.7.6+
* Bugfix: Fix various selection bugs in column selection panel
* Bugfix: Fix SQL error in "Copy table" dialog, in PostgreSQL mode. Use lowercase table and column names in IS.TABLES, so PG can find them
* Bugfix: CSV import: Disable features supported in MySQL only, if active connection is not MySQL
* Bugfix: PostgreSQL: Always keep public schema in search path, so one can use procedures from it without prefixing
* Bugfix: Text import: Use very last value from last row, even if it's not followed by a field or line terminator
* Bugfix: PostgreSQL: Fix wrong ALTER TABLE query for modifying table comment
* Bugfix: Update VirtualTree component code to v6.1.0, to fix graphical issues in Windows 8 + 10
* Enhancement: Show error when SSH port is already in use
* Enhancement: Add support for PostgreSQL's data types uuid, cidr, inet and macaddr
* Enhancement: Strip folder path from various file settings, including plink.exe location, if it's the application directory
* Enhancement: Try higher ports, up to the 20 next ones, as SSH local port, when the configured one is in use
* Enhancement: Display session name in caption of all message dialogs
* Enhancement: Add a custom icon for confirmation dialogs, with a question mark on it, so we don't have to use the "i" icon.
* Enhancement: Use server time for data grid > "Insert value" menu items
* Enhancement: Show line breaks other than Windows style as normal line breaks in text editor
* New feature: Introduce option for setting the line break style in text cells without breaks
* New feature: Session manager: Add support for SSL cipher, and add various texthints