发布于 2015-08-03 07:56:54 | 177 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
NativeScript 跨平台移动端开发
NativeScript 可以使用 Javascript,CSS, XML 创建真正的 Native 跨平台应用,支持 iOS Android,NativeScript 将您的跨平台代码翻译成目标平台的代码。
NativeScript 1.2.0 发布,此版本最重要的改进:
(#304) ActionBar/NavigationBar 现在使用 page.actionBar
定义,而不是 page.optionsMenu
(#393) Create application.android instance immediately and move all android-specific events to application.android.
(#391) Implement cancellable back button pressed for Android.
(#304) Expose additional properties of NavBar/ActionBar
(#294) Add an optional fullscreen parameter to Page.showModal method.
(#263) Provide per page option for manipulating NavigationBar
(#191) Extend the set of support CSS properties in {N}
(#423) Showing a modal page from another modal page results in error on iOS.
(#422) Login dialog - iOS7: loginResult.userName returns password as a value instead of username
(#421) Page.showModal seems completely broken in IOS
(#406) Prompt dialog - iOS7: okButton returns result equal to false, cancelButton returns result equal to true
(#405) FPS module will now correctly count frames while scrolling in iOS
(#395) dialogs.action() causes app to crash on iPad
(#372) Simple location app doesn't perform until real gps apps are also running
(#368) [Screen Builder] Model is not updated when an observable object property is used in two text fields
(#343) Not returning a view on the view parameter of the creatingView event handler of the placeholder crash the application
(#322) Creating an Observable by passing a JSON object in the constructor does not define the respective properties on the Observable object instance.
(#285) visibility
property inconsistent with CSS
(#270) BackgroundImage property does not respect the CornerRadius when set to Border.
(#261) WebView crash when navigating back
NativeScript 可以使用 Javascript,CSS, XML 创建真正的 Native 跨平台应用,支持 iOS Android,NativeScript 将您的跨平台代码翻译成目标平台的代码。
UI 使用 XML 描述,CSS 样式,在编译时将 UI 转化成本地原生代码,最终得到正在的 Native 原生应用。