发布于 2015-07-30 00:32:37 | 318 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Mapbox GL 基于 WebGL 的矢量地图
Mapbox GL 是基于 WebGL 的客户端矢量地图,也是个 JavaScript 库。
Mapbox GL 0.9.0 发布,更新内容如下:
URL now normalizes without the /v4/
prefix for mapbox://
urls. Legacy behavior for mapbox://fontstacks
is still maintained (#1385)
Expose geojson-vt
options for GeoJSON sources (#1271)
bearing snaps to "North" within a tolerance of 7 degrees (#1059)
Now you can directly mutate the minzoom and maxzoom layer properties with map.setLayerZoomRange(layerId, minzoom, maxzoom)
Exposed mapboxgl.Control
, a base class used by all UI controls
Refactored handlers to be individually included in Map options, or enable/disable them individually at runtime, e.g. map.scrollZoom.disable()
New feature: Batch operations can now be done at once, improving performance for calling multiple style functions: (#1352)
style.batch(function(s) { s.addLayer({ id: 'first', type: 'symbol', source: 'streets' }); s.addLayer({ id: 'second', type: 'symbol', source: 'streets' }); s.addLayer({ id: 'third', type: 'symbol', source: 'terrain' }); s.setPaintProperty('first', 'text-color', 'black'); s.setPaintProperty('first', 'text-halo-color', 'white'); });
Improved documentation
performance improvements by exposing includeGeometry
Better label placement along lines (#1283)
Improvements to round linejoins on semi-transparent lines (mapbox/mapbox-gl-native#1771)
Round zoom levels for raster tile loading (2a2aec)
Source#reload cannot be called if source is not loaded (#1198)
Events bubble to the canvas container for custom overlays (#1301)
Move handlers are now bound on mousedown and touchstart events
map.featuresAt() now works across the dateline
Mapbox GL 是基于 WebGL 的客户端矢量地图,也是个 JavaScript 库。