发布于 2015-07-06 09:47:50 | 283 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
ExtJS Javascript库
Ext JS 6.0.0 正式版本发布,此版本包括大量的新特性以及错误修复:
Accessibility (3)
EXTJS-12098 Containers should track their children’s focus
EXTJS-13606 Floating mixin should support keyboard navigation
EXTJS-17285 ariaLabelledBy should support references
App (1)
EXTJS-16853 ViewController.fireViewEvent should ensure that the view is the first parameter
Button (1)
EXTJS-16860 Split buttons should have two tab stops
Charts (1)
EXTJS-17043 Axis labels should support declarative renderers
Bug 修复:
Accessibility (3)
EXTJS-14427 Date picker dropdown calendar causes navigation issues with JAWS
EXTJS-17454 Ext.FocusManager.enable() throwing an error
EXTJS-17797 MessageBox buttons are not tabbable when text input (prompt) is enabled
App (1)
EXTJS-18345 Having a view named “Main” prevents the app from starting when using the modern toolkit
Bind (1)
EXTJS-17758 Modern toolkit textfields do not update two-way bindings as you type
Button (5)
EXTJS-17103 Disabled button enables when parent container got enabled
EXTJS-17818 Disabled buttons are rendered with tabindex=“0”
EXTJS-17940 Triton theme split buttons do not show arrow icons in IE10 and 11
EXTJS-18073 Ext.button.Segmented should require Ext.layout.container.SegmentedButton
EXTJS-18171 Explicit button keyboard handlers are blocked by defaultButton processing
ExtJS 主要用来开发RIA富客户端的AJAX应用,主要用于创建前端用户界面,与后台技术无关的前端ajax框架。因此,可以把ExtJS用在.Net、 Java、Php等各种开发语言开发的应用中。ExtJs最开始基于YUI技术,由开发人员 JackSlocum开发,通过参考JavaSwing等机制来组织可视化组件,无论从UI界面上CSS样式的应用,到数据解析上的异常处理,都可算是一 款不可多得的JavaScript客户端技术的精品。