发布于 2015-07-05 11:52:12 | 501 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网络整理
Objective-C 数组允许您定义的变量的类型,可容纳几个数据项的同类,但结构是另一个用户定义的数据类型,它允许将不同种类的数据项在Objective-C编程。
图书 ID
struct [structure tag]
member definition;
member definition;
member definition;
} [one or more structure variables];
结构变量是可选的,每个成员的定义是一个正常的变量定义,如int;或float f;或任何其他有效的变量定义。结构的定义在结束之前,最后是分号,可以指定一个或多个结构变量,但它是可选的。这里有一种方法,可能声明书的结构:
struct Books
NSString *title;
NSString *author;
NSString *subject;
int book_id;
} book;
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
struct Books
NSString *title;
NSString *author;
NSString *subject;
int book_id;
int main( )
struct Books Book1; /* Declare Book1 of type Book */
struct Books Book2; /* Declare Book2 of type Book */
/* book 1 specification */
Book1.title = @"Objective-C Programming";
Book1.author = @"Nuha Ali";
Book1.subject = @"Objective-C Programming Tutorial";
Book1.book_id = 6495407;
/* book 2 specification */
Book2.title = @"Telecom Billing";
Book2.author = @"Zara Ali";
Book2.subject = @"Telecom Billing Tutorial";
Book2.book_id = 6495700;
/* print Book1 info */
NSLog(@"Book 1 title : %@n", Book1.title);
NSLog(@"Book 1 author : %@n", Book1.author);
NSLog(@"Book 1 subject : %@n", Book1.subject);
NSLog(@"Book 1 book_id : %dn", Book1.book_id);
/* print Book2 info */
NSLog(@"Book 2 title : %@n", Book2.title);
NSLog(@"Book 2 author : %@n", Book2.author);
NSLog(@"Book 2 subject : %@n", Book2.subject);
NSLog(@"Book 2 book_id : %dn", Book2.book_id);
return 0;
2013-09-14 04:20:07.947 demo[20591] Book 1 title : Objective-C Programming
2013-09-14 04:20:07.947 demo[20591] Book 1 author : Nuha Ali
2013-09-14 04:20:07.947 demo[20591] Book 1 subject : Objective-C Programming Tutorial
2013-09-14 04:20:07.947 demo[20591] Book 1 book_id : 6495407
2013-09-14 04:20:07.947 demo[20591] Book 2 title : Telecom Billing
2013-09-14 04:20:07.947 demo[20591] Book 2 author : Zara Ali
2013-09-14 04:20:07.947 demo[20591] Book 2 subject : Telecom Billing Tutorial
2013-09-14 04:20:07.947 demo[20591] Book 2 book_id : 6495700
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
struct Books
NSString *title;
NSString *author;
NSString *subject;
int book_id;
@interface SampleClass:NSObject
/* function declaration */
- (void) printBook:( struct Books) book ;
@implementation SampleClass
- (void) printBook:( struct Books) book
NSLog(@"Book title : %@n", book.title);
NSLog(@"Book author : %@n", book.author);
NSLog(@"Book subject : %@n", book.subject);
NSLog(@"Book book_id : %dn", book.book_id);
int main( )
struct Books Book1; /* Declare Book1 of type Book */
struct Books Book2; /* Declare Book2 of type Book */
/* book 1 specification */
Book1.title = @"Objective-C Programming";
Book1.author = @"Nuha Ali";
Book1.subject = @"Objective-C Programming Tutorial";
Book1.book_id = 6495407;
/* book 2 specification */
Book2.title = @"Telecom Billing";
Book2.author = @"Zara Ali";
Book2.subject = @"Telecom Billing Tutorial";
Book2.book_id = 6495700;
SampleClass *sampleClass = [[SampleClass alloc]init];
/* print Book1 info */
[sampleClass printBook: Book1];
/* Print Book2 info */
[sampleClass printBook: Book2];
return 0;
2013-09-14 04:34:45.725 demo[8060] Book title : Objective-C Programming
2013-09-14 04:34:45.725 demo[8060] Book author : Nuha Ali
2013-09-14 04:34:45.725 demo[8060] Book subject : Objective-C Programming Tutorial
2013-09-14 04:34:45.725 demo[8060] Book book_id : 6495407
2013-09-14 04:34:45.725 demo[8060] Book title : Telecom Billing
2013-09-14 04:34:45.725 demo[8060] Book author : Zara Ali
2013-09-14 04:34:45.725 demo[8060] Book subject : Telecom Billing Tutorial
2013-09-14 04:34:45.725 demo[8060] Book book_id : 6495700
struct Books *struct_pointer;
struct_pointer = &Book1;
要访问的成员的结构,使用该结构的一个指针,必须使用 -> 运算符如下:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
struct Books
NSString *title;
NSString *author;
NSString *subject;
int book_id;
@interface SampleClass:NSObject
/* function declaration */
- (void) printBook:( struct Books *) book ;
@implementation SampleClass
- (void) printBook:( struct Books *) book
NSLog(@"Book title : %@n", book->title);
NSLog(@"Book author : %@n", book->author);
NSLog(@"Book subject : %@n", book->subject);
NSLog(@"Book book_id : %dn", book->book_id);
int main( )
struct Books Book1; /* Declare Book1 of type Book */
struct Books Book2; /* Declare Book2 of type Book */
/* book 1 specification */
Book1.title = @"Objective-C Programming";
Book1.author = @"Nuha Ali";
Book1.subject = @"Objective-C Programming Tutorial";
Book1.book_id = 6495407;
/* book 2 specification */
Book2.title = @"Telecom Billing";
Book2.author = @"Zara Ali";
Book2.subject = @"Telecom Billing Tutorial";
Book2.book_id = 6495700;
SampleClass *sampleClass = [[SampleClass alloc]init];
/* print Book1 info by passing address of Book1 */
[sampleClass printBook:&Book1];
/* print Book2 info by passing address of Book2 */
[sampleClass printBook:&Book2];
return 0;
2013-09-14 04:38:13.942 demo[20745] Book title : Objective-C Programming
2013-09-14 04:38:13.942 demo[20745] Book author : Nuha Ali
2013-09-14 04:38:13.942 demo[20745] Book subject : Objective-C Programming Tutorial
2013-09-14 04:38:13.942 demo[20745] Book book_id : 6495407
2013-09-14 04:38:13.942 demo[20745] Book title : Telecom Billing
2013-09-14 04:38:13.942 demo[20745] Book author : Zara Ali
2013-09-14 04:38:13.942 demo[20745] Book subject : Telecom Billing Tutorial
2013-09-14 04:38:13.942 demo[20745] Book book_id : 6495700
读取外部文件格式 - 例如非标准文件格式可以被读入。 9位整数。
struct packed_struct {
unsigned int f1:1;
unsigned int f2:1;
unsigned int f3:1;
unsigned int f4:1;
unsigned int type:4;
unsigned int my_int:9;
} pack;
在这里,packed_struct 包含6名成员组成:4个1位的标志 f1..f3,4位类型和9位my_int。