发布于 2015-03-11 11:01:06 | 200 次阅读 | 评论: 2 | 来源: 网友投递
SeaMonkey 开源的跨平台网络套件
SeaMonkey 2.33 正式发布,此版本现已提供下载:http://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/2.33。
Security notification bars now feature tracking controls.
The tracking/privacy preferences pane has been updated.
The Flash protected-mode sandbox has been disabled on Windows in order to evaluate the stability impact of protected mode.
Insecure RC4 ciphers are no longer accepted whenever possible.
Certificates with 1024-bit RSA keys have been phased out.
Support for the -remote
command line option has been removed.
A subset of the Media Source Extensions (MSE) API has been implemented in order to allow native HTML5 playback on YouTube. Full support is on the way.
The performance of the new ES6 generator functions has been improved.
Also see Firefox 36 for Developers.
Fixed several stability issues.
Thunderbird bugs (including both shared MailNews- and Thunderbird-only bugs)
相关的 bug 修复列表提供在 Security Advisories for SeaMonkey。
SeaMonkey将替代Mozilla基金会原先的“Mozilla浏览器套件”的开发。——从用户角度来说,它将继承Mozilla浏览器套件 的大部分功能,包括一个网页浏览器、一个高级邮件程序、一个IRC聊天客户端和一个HTML编辑器。SeaMonkey将继承Mozilla浏览器套件的 衣钵,成为新一代的网络集成工具。
Thanks for this wonderful information that was shared across to us</a>
This is an interesting portal to access your favorite series</a>