发布于 2015-03-10 04:32:19 | 190 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Rugged Git 的 Ruby 开发包
Rugged 是一个 Git 的 Ruby 开发包,使用 libgit2 API
Rugged 0.22.1b1 版本已经发布,Rugged 是一个 Git 的 Ruby 开发包,使用 libgit2 API 与 Rugged 0.21 相比,Rugged 0.22.1b1 做了如下修正:
Add Rugged::Tree#count_recursive
Update bundled libgit2 to 0.22.1.
Add missing handling of libgit2 errors in Rugged::BranchCollection#each and Rugged::BranchCollection#each_name
The Rugged::Tree::Builder API was changed to account for libgit2 changes.
Add alternative backend support (experimental)
Replace Remote#rename!RemoteCollection#rename
Remove URL validation from Remote#url=, Remote#push_url=RemoteCollection#create_anonymousRemoteCollection#createas the underlying function git_remote_supported_url()was removedfrom libgit2.
Add Repository#merge_bases
Add submodule support.
Add Rugged::Walker#push_range
Add Rugged::Repository#attributes
Add Rugged::TagCollection#create_annotation
Add Rugged::Repository#cherrypick
Add Rugged::Repository#descendant_of?
Rugged::Index#read_tree now actually checks that the given object is aRugged::Tree instance.
Add Rugged::Repository#expand_oids
Add Rugged::Remote#check_connection
Remove defunct Rugged::Diff::Line#hunk and Rugged::Diff::Line#owner
Remove Rugged::Diff#treeRugged::Diff#ownerto return therepository that the Rugged::Diff object belongs to.
Add #additions and #deletions to Rugged::Patch
Rugged 是一个 Git 的 Ruby 开发包,使用 libgit2 API