发布于 2015-03-05 07:57:06 | 148 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Gnumeric 报表软体
Gnumeric 是一个好用的报表软体,只要您会用Excel 便会使用本软体,操作方式简直跟Excel 一模一样。 本软体为了跟各个有名的报表软体相容,更提供了可以开启Excel、Lotus 1-2-3、Applix、Sylk、XBase 及Oleo 等等的档案。
Gnumeric 1.12.21 发布,代号为“TBD”,此版本当前要求 libgsf 1.14.32 和 goffice 0.10.21,源代码现已提供下载:http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/gnumeric/1.12/gnumeric-1.12.21.tar.xz。
ODS 导入导出修复
XLSX 导入导出修复
ODF import/export general plot data specifications. [Bug 743818].
ODF import/export the z-index for line objects.
Fix ODF import of stroke colours of sheet objects.
Fix ODF import/export of fill colour and type. [Bug 744051].
Fix ODF import/export of marker fill and outline colours.
Improve ODF export of manually positioned charts in multi-chart graphs. [Bug 743789].
Fix ODF export of serieslines styles.
Fix ODF import/export of axes label visibility. [Bug 743788].
ODF import/export additional axislines.
Fix ODF import/export of fonts in charts. [Bug 744632].
ODF import/export additional axes. [Bug 743787].
Fix ODF style import of secondary plots. [Bug 744930].
Fix ODF style export for data points in plots. [Bug 745091].
Implement xlsx import of sheet widgets.
Implement xlsx export of sheet widgets.
Fix xlsx import/export of patterns.
Plug leaks.
Arrow properties editor. [Bug 158327].
Fix xlsx export of line style None.
Fix search-and-replace problem with text format.
Fix xlsx import/export of gradients.
Fix undo problems with scrollbars.
Fix spinner properties dialog.
SheetObjectImage fixes.
Fix problem reading images from xls.
Namespace fixes.
Test suite improvements.
Fix various dtd version problems.
Gnumeric 是一个好用的报表软体,只要您会用Excel 便会使用本软体,操作方式简直跟Excel 一模一样。 本软体为了跟各个有名的报表软体相容,更提供了可以开启Excel、Lotus 1-2-3、Applix、Sylk、XBase 及Oleo 等等的档案。